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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was almost fully a lemon with Charlotte and Laura, still many girls left.


POV: You

Part 1.

School was back in session after the repairs on the school were finished. School started up again Monday, today is Wednesday. I'm with Houki in the kendo dojo, she's teaching me kendo. Being able to use a katana can always come in handy. We had just finished our practice session and I set the bamboo sword I had to the side.

"(Y/n)?" Houki says to me.

"What is it Houki?" I asked as I turned to her.

"Well, I wanted to ask you if you could take me out on a date this weekend.." Houki says with a minor blush "It's been a while since the last time we went on a date"

I smile then walked over to her, I kissed her on the lips before pulling away "okay then, Saturday we can have our date. I'll just have to think about what to do"

She wraps her arms around my neck "It doesn't matter where we go, as long as I'm with you" she then smiles then gives me a kiss.

She let's go and walks over to her bag to put her kendo stick inside. The door to the dojo opens and our school's vice-president of the newspaper club walks in.

"I knew I would find you both here" Kaoruko says.

"Hey, Kaoruko? What do you need?" I said.

"I've got a favor to ask of you" She says.

"A favor? To ask me and (Y/n)?" Houki questions.

"That's right, my older sister is working at a publishing company now, and I was wondering if maybe she could interview the two of you since you both own IS units" Kaoruko tells us "Oh and this is the magazine"

She hands us a magazine and Houki starts to look through it "This doesn't have anything to do with IS units does it?..." Houki says.

"Hold on, have neither of you done this kind of work before?" She asks us.

"No, not really" I replied.

"Well, some pilots with personal IS units are kinda like celebrities, there's some tech stuff but it's more about fashion shoots and modeling stuff" Kaoruko explains.

"I see" I say "Why pick us though?"

"You two seem like you guys would be the perfect couple, just imagine being on the cover if a magazine together" She says.

"Well...." I say and Houki was a looking at me, expecting me to say something.

"Oh yeah, did I mention that you get free dinner tickets to a 3 star restaurant, for 2 of course" Kaoruko says.

"We'll do it" I say and she hands me the tickets.

"The interview will be this Saterday, Thank you, bye" She says then leaves the room.

"Looks like we just found what our date will be" I say while waving the dinner tickets around a bit.

"Will we be telling her sister that, you know, your relationship with me and the other girls?" Houki asks me with pink cheeks.

I shrug my shoulders "Depends on whether you girls are ready or not"

"Well.....I'm ready" She tells me and I smile.

Part 2.

It's Saterday now, Me and Houki are at the publishing company that Kaoruko's sister works at, the magazine they publish is called 'Infinite Stripes'. Kinds sounds like a name for a panty collection...Me and Houki were sitting in a sort of lounge, the secretary said that Kaoruko's sister would meet us here. I had my arm around Houki as we sat in a round couch that had a small table in front of it and another round couch on the other side.

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