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Hey chickas! Long time since I posted on this story! But I just wanted to update everyone on the sequel to 'MBFB' called 'Losing & Expecting! 💕

It now has 7 chapters! So please please please go check it out! I definitely think you're all going to want to find out what happens with Autumn, Ace & baby Grayson! Oh and don't forget Scartlett who is now 5! 😉 jeez time flies haha not really!

So here's the summary of what happens in the sequel 'Losing & Expecting' 😘

Sequel to My Best Friends Baby*

Baby Grayson is now 2! So in those 2 years so many things have happened! For instance: getting engaged, planning the wedding, getting married, getting pregnant and having a miscarriage, Ace & Autumn's friends all getting together and some engaged too! What else could happen??

As they start to struggle with money, Ace takes it upon himself to care for his family and decides to join the Army... which means him going away and Autumn constantly worrying about if he's okay.

What could possibly go wrong, that makes Autumn fall into a state of depression...?

Find out in Losing & Expecting! ❤️


Love you all

~ Teleah xxx

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