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"Are you ready to see you're home Grayson?" I asked sweetly, while smiling down at my gorgeous baby boy who is all snuggled up in my arms fast asleep.

He's so beautiful! I haven't been able to take my eyes off him since he was born, a week ago! He's a spitting image of Ace, like I was hoping as well! He has beautiful tanned skin with dark soft hair and has his fathers beautiful grey eyes that I absolutely adore. He's not very loud, he's actually pretty quiet, more then I expected. He only cry's when he's hungry, tired or just wanted to be cuddled, which I'm sure is every baby! Other than that he sleeps most of the night and again only wakes up when he needs to be fed.

Everyone absolutely adores him, especially Scarlett, she keeps singing to him and always wanting to feed him his bottles, giving him tons of kisses and telling him so man stories. It's so adorable and makes me smile and tear up watching her with him.

After telling everyone his name, which we kept a secret for months after finding out he was a boy, they were all so happy and instantly fell in love with the name. Mum even posted it on Facebook after he was born with a photo of Ace, Grayson and I cuddling without us knowing until I check Facebook later on, to see there was a picture with tons of comments saying congratulations and about how cute Grayson is and what a beautiful family we make.

"Babe, leave him be, he's sleeping." Ace chuckled behind me carrying the bags and carrier.

"Excuse me, don't you even start Mr! Who keeps going to him during the night and talking to him and picking him up just to hold him, hmm?" My voice full of sass. His eyes instantly widen like he's been caught.

"You saw that?" He asked with nervousness laced in his voice.

"Mhmm, so don't even even start Mr." I replied while smiling at him as he nodded his head quickly.

"Yes Mum." He chuckled as I shook my head.

Turning back around, I walk towards the front door and twist the door knob before walking into the house with Ace just behind me.

Walking down the hallway, we eventually come to the living room, which as soon as we walk in, my mouth in open in shock and my hand is covering my mouth.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone screamed while popping up out of their hiding places with massive smiles on their faces.

And I mean EVERYONE! My parents, Ace's parents, the girls, the boys, all their families, my grandparents, Ace grandparents, my cousins, Ace's cousins, my Aunties and Uncles, Ace's Aunties And Uncles! Everyone was here, in our lounge room! I can't believe it...

How does everyone even fit in here anyway?!

"Omg! He's adorable! Honey look at him!" My Aunty Kath squealed in excitement at seeing my little man sleeping my arms peacefully.

"That he is Kathy. Now hush sweetheart, the poor boy is sleeping!" Uncle John chuckled while covering her mouth, to which she licked and he immediately pulled back before glaring at his wife.

Gotta love them...

"Sweetheart why don't you and you're father take the bags up to your room and then come back downstairs?" Amber asked while smiling brightly at her son.

Ace nodded before giving Sam some of the bags and disappearing up the stairs.

Turning back to everyone with a smile on my face before questions were all of a sudden thrown in my face one after the other.

How much did he weight?

What colour eyes does he have?

What time was he born?

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