Chapter 10

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It's been 2 amazing weeks since that night and Ace and I are a lot more closer! We kiss, we cuddle, we hold hands, everything a couple does accept were not dating. We're kinda like friends with benefits type thing, but I want it to be more, I want to be able to call him mine and no one else can have him. I guess he just wants to take things slow, maybe he doesn't want to date me, maybe this is what he wants.

"Baby!" I hear the voice of Ace from downstairs. I'm laying in his bed sick. I don't know what's wrong but the past few days I've been throwing up every morning and just not having any energy. I guess I got the flu.

"Yeah?" I call back as I hear footsteps walk up the steps.

"How you feeling, baby girl?" He asked as he came and sat on the edge of my bed and moved a string of hair away from my face.

"A little better, I guess. I don't know what it is, it just came out of no where, you know?" I explained as I sat myself up right.

"Yeah I know and usable when you get sick, you get symptoms to know your getting the flu." He explained as he held my tiny hand in his large ones.

"I don't know. I'll go to the doctor later on today, while you go to soccer practice." I explain as I smile at him and he instantly smiles back.

"Do you want me to come with?" He asks as his thumbs rubs my hand.

"Oh no, your the captain so your team need you there." I reply while getting up out of bed to get dressed. I start to walk to his door so I can get to my room for clothes.  I felt Ace grab my hand and pull me back, making me fall into his lap and my hands on his chest.

"Okay but I'm dropping and picking you up and if anything bad happens you call me straight away. Got it?" He asked as his hands stroke up and down my arms.

"Of course." I lean forward and place my lips over his to which he grins and instantly starts kissing back. I love kissing him! It's like a drug, you try it once and get addicted and just want more and more and more.

I'm now sitting in the waiting room at the doctors clinic in town. Before we left, I called and made an appointment which they had one at 12:30 and it was 12:00 when I called. Ace dropped me off 5 minutes ago and it's now 12:28 and I'm starting to get a little nervous about what there gonna tell me. I mean what if it's something bad? What if something is wrong? I just wish I could-

"Autumn Smithton." I was cut off by a female doctor calling my name. I stood up off the chair, walked over to her and followed her to a room.

"Hello, I'm Dr Andrea. You must be Autumn?" She asked as she looked down at her clipboard.

"Yes, that's me." I replied as I sat down in a chair next to her desk.

"So tell me what the problem is." She spoke as she brought up notes on her computer to write down information.

"Okay, well I've been throwing up every morning for a few days and I just feel tired a lot more than usually." I explained my situation to her and she nodded her head writing down what I've said.

"Okay Autumn, I know this might be personal, but I need to ask." She explained as she turned to look at me fully and clasped her hands in her lap.

"Okay that's fine." I reply as I nervously take a deep breath. What's she gonna ask?

"Have you by any chance been sexually active in the past 3-5 weeks?" She asked while looking at me with a small smile on her face. Oh crap!

"Uh yeah, 3 weeks ago." I reply as I look down playing with my hands nervously.

"Okay, well I think I know what's going on. You, Miss Smithton might be pregnant." She explained with a smile on her face. Wait what? Oh my god! No no no! I can't be! This is gonna ruin everything! Ace is gonna leave when I tell him! My friends are gonna ditch me and never talk to me again! My parents are gonna kick me out!

"Oh no! Can we do a test just to make sure?" I ask nervously. How could I have let this happen?

"Of course, Autumn. We'll do a blood test and I'll let you know as soon as we get the results back which will be 10 minutes after the blood test." She gave me information about what she's going to do.

"Okay, should be easy." I replied and she walked out of the room to go get stuff. If I was pregnant, I don't know what I'll do. But I do know I'll love this baby with all I got and never give up on him/her.

I've been waiting 10 minutes now for the results on if I'm pregnant or not? I just, I'm just shocked this happened you know? I'm scared, I mean I could be becoming a mum at 17, by the time he/she is born I'll be 18 but still! It's scary, I'm only a child myself.

Finally, Dr Andrea stepped back into the room with a clipboard and was looking at it. I stood up as she walked in and waited for her to start talking.

"Well Autumn. I can confirm, your going to be a mummy." She spoke with a huge smile on her face.

My jaw dropped to the floor when she said this. Oh my god!


Oh my god! Oh my god! What am I gonna tell Ace?! What am I gonna tell my parents? What am I gonna tell his parents? What am I gonna tell the boys? What am I gonna tell the girls? What is the school gonna think? What is everyone gonna think?

Okay, deep breaths. Calm down. I can't stress, it's bad for the baby. I just have to relax and first things first work on telling Ace. How am I gonna tell him. Maybe I can keep it until I start to show? Oh I don't know!

All I know is I have to tell him, and I don't know how?

*Two chapters in one day! Whoop whoop! Awesome!

How do you think Autumn is gonna tell Ace? If anyone has really good ideas, cause I'm still thinking of some, comment them and I pick which one I like best!

Keep voting, commenting. Means a lot ❤️ love you

~Teleah xxx

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