Authors Note

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Hey everyone! Okay so I think I should give you a little more update about how long it will be and what's been going on.

Next Tuesday is the funeral for my favourite teacher 😔 it's all kinda real now, like the funeral makes you realise a bit that he's actually gone and I'm never gonna see him again! I won't ever get to smell his amazing cologne that he had, that was just amazing 👌🏼 a lot of my teachers are going to the funeral so our school is pretty much closed, but kids can go if they want but I won't be attending.

Also I was planning on updating through this week, but I've had a really tough week this week. Monday I fainted twice and almost a third time! I bruised both my thighs and one is swollen, I've bruised both my knees and my right ankle, I've also bruise my right arm and the left side of my body. We thought it was just the heat cause it was like 38 degrees!

Anyway I went to the doctors Tuesday and found out that the fainting could have been cause by something wrong with my heart or brain! Lovely, just another problem added to the list of medical problems 😂 anyway so I had to have a blood test for my thyroid, then just yesterday I had to have a heart monitor installed on me for 24hrs, got that taken off today and did some weird ultrasound stuff on my chest and then after they get the results back for those two, they will decide whether I need to have a brain examination! Bloody hell!

Anyway so that's been my week this week! How bout you guys week? How has yours been? Tell me! Comment down below, how your week has been, what you've been doing, anything, good or bad, I'm not judgemental. :)

So by the looks of things at this rate I might not be updating till maybe next weekend or through the following week. Please please please, don't stop reading this book because I'm not updating and I'm taking forever, I really don't want that. I love how so much people are reading this book and I wanna thank you all so much! You mean everything to me!


~Teleah xxx 

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