Chapter 32

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Autumn's POV:
Ace has been gone for 3 days now, he'll be back in 2 nights and I can't wait! I miss him so much and I know it's only a little amount of time, that I'm away from him, but I just miss him. I think Baby Hunter does too, cause he hasn't been kicking as much as he usually does, when Ace is around. I think he knows his daddy isn't here at the moment.

Not a lot has happened, of course the girls slept over and instead of staying one night, they decided to stay the whole week to keep me company, but not before asking permission from Amber. The first day, we went to the beach, which was so relaxing, we had Fish & Chips for lunch which was so yummy. The second day we went to the movies and went and saw 'Beauty & The Beast' which was a load of fun! But just saying... the beast looks much hotter as a beast then a human! I mean c'mon! Now today, we just went out for lunch and ice cream and have decided to have a movie night.

"So what movie first? We have The Fate Of The Furious, The Emoji Movie, Despicable Me 3, Baby Driver? Which one would you's like?" Beth asked as we all sat around on the couches in the lounge trying to pick a movie to start off with. We've already got our dinner, snacks, drinks, everything we need sitting on the table in front of us.

"FATE OF THE FURIOUS!" We all scream at the same time to Beth, glancing around at each other, we burst out laughing.

"Alrighty then, Fate Of The Furious it is." Beth chuckles, before placing the disk inside the movie player and quickly running to her seat and getting situated.

"Did we hear someone say Fate Of The Furious?" We looked towards the living room entrance to see my mum and Amber standing there grinning. We all nodded our heads and they squeaked running over and situating themselves on the couches, getting comfy.

"I'll go grab you guys some snacks, dinner and drinks." I offered and slowly got up with a little struggle but ended up being successful. Placing a hand on my huge belly, I started walking to the kitchen.

"Are you sure, sweetheart? We can just pause the movie and continue once we get everything." Mum asked while looking over at me in concern probably because I'm 39 weeks pregnant and about to pop any day now...

"Yeah, I need to stretch a big anyway, you guys rest up and enjoy the movie mum." I smiled reassuring her, before turning around and continuing my walk to the kitchen.

Walking over to the cupboard, I opened it up looking inside to see what I can grab for Mum and Amber. Seeing a bag of Cheese Twisties, M&M's, Cheezels and Shortbread Biscuits, I grabbed them all placing them onto the counter top, before walking over to the fridge. I grabbed 2 cans of Coke and placing them on the counter, which the snacks as I heard my phone go off in my pocket.

Pulling it out, I saw a message from Ace.

From: My Always 🌏👫💕✨
Hey Gorgeous, how's my girl and baby boy doing?

Chuckling at his message, I started texting a reply.

To: My Always 🌏👫💕✨
Hey Handsome, we're dong great:) how are you? Xxx

Placing my phone on the countertop, I walk over to the fridge again to grab the container of Carbonara out of the fridge. Walking back to the counter, I placed the container on top and quickly grabbed 2 big bowls out of the cupboard and placing them beside the container.


From: My Always 🌏👫💕✨
That's good to hear xx I'm doing alright, I just miss the both of you... what are you up to tonight? :)

To: My Always 🌏👫💕✨
We miss you too babe xx I definitely know bubba does, he isn't kicking as much as usual :( the girls and I are having a movie night and mum and Amber have joined xx I'm in the kitchen grabbing food for mum and Amber :)

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