Chapter 19

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Autumn's POV:
"So Autumn, have you heard from Ace recently at all?" Mum asked as she sat down across from me at the dining table. Dad, Amber and Sam were all sitting with mum and I at the dining table eating breakfast. Ace and Scarlett were still asleep.

Guess I spoke to soon...

"AWEY!! YOUR BACK!! YOUR BACK!!" I heard Scar's little adorable voice speak from upstairs as well as crying and laughing. I just smiled, glad that she was just as happy that Ace was back as I was. Amber, Sam, Mum and Dad all looked at me confused on why I was smiling before all shooting up and bolting towards my room where Ace was.

I stayed put downstairs, since I wasn't feeling the greatest this morning because of the baby. I woke up early with morning sickness and just have been tired and sore ever since. Eventually after 5 minutes they all came downstairs, one by one, except Ace who was carrying Scarlett with one arm and her arms wrapped around his neck and her head in the crook of his neck, tears streaming down her face.

"Hey baby girl, why are you crying baby?" I asked while standing up and walking over to Scar who started crying more while squeezing Ace. She doesn't like it when he goes away, last time she when he took off, she would keep crying and crying and wouldn't calm down for anyone, one night I decided to take her and she slept in my room, finally stopped crying after many calls to Ace and texts telling him to call me ASAP because it was for Scarlett, so he did and after him telling her he was coming back, she stopped crying, smiled and cuddled into me and fell asleep. I've truly never seen a sister love her big brother so much it's not funny.

"I miss Awey, I don't want him to weave ever again." She replied while wiping her tears cutely with the back of her hand. Ace just smiled and kissed her forehead and wrapped his other arm around her tightly, but not to tight to hurt her.

"I'm never gonna leave you princess. I'm always gonna be here Scarly. I promise." He whispered to her and she just nodded her head and eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"I swear sometimes she treats Ace more of a father than me! Her actual father!" Sam spoke up while chuckling at his own daughter and how close Ace and Scarlett were. "But I wouldn't change it for the world, I wouldn't change how close my two amazing beautiful kids are." He continued while smiling proudly at Ace who was standing next to me with Scarlett asleep in his arms.

"Would you like me to put her upstairs?" I turned my attention to Ace while smoothing her hair out and continuing. Ace shoot his head, while looking over and smiling at me.

"No I wanna hold my baby sis for a lot longer." He chuckled at his comment and then leaned forward placing a kiss on my forehead, taking my hand and leading me to the dining table and taking a seat where our parents were already sitting.

"So Ace, when did you decide to come back?" My dad spoke up, while eating a piece of bacon out of the bacon and eggs on toast we all had.

"I came back last night, really late. I message Autumn once I got back." He explained while smiling over at me with that huge, adorable smile I love on him.

"Ace, explain to us why you left honey? Why would you leave? Why didn't you come talk to us? Where did you go?" Amber asked while starting worriedly at Ace as she set down her knife and fork on her non empty plate. Everyone's attention now on Ace curious to know the answers.

"I left because, I was scared. I wasn't ready to be a dad, I'm only 18, I'm not responsible enough. Ive been to detentions heaps of times, suspended god knows how many times, got caught up with the wrong people. That proves I'm not responsible. I felt like I couldn't talk to you, because you wouldn't understand, you don't know what it's like to find out your girlfriend is pregnant when your still teenagers. I went to Grandma's for two weeks, she helped me, she talked to me m, she was the one who told me to come back because it I didn't I would regret every single bit of not coming back." He explained. Dad was about to speak but Ace started up again obviously knowing what my dad was gonna say. "I know, I know. You've lost your trust in me Mr Smithton and don't think I can do this because I took off. Mr Smithton is all I'm asking is you give me one more chance to prove to you that I can be an amazing dad and I do want this baby."Ace pleaded with my dad, begging for forgiveness, hoping my dad would agree to it.

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