Chapter 28

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Autumn's P.O.V:
"So baby girl, how about we get some lunch?" I ask while turning around to the little girl dancing in her car seat (A.N: Some of you might call it a booster seat or something different, but for those who don't know it's the seat you put in the car for toddlers to sit in) to Shout Out To My Ex by Little Mix.

I sadly again got her on these four beautiful girls and ever since, she's loved their music. Her favourite is Perrie, as well as mine (A.N: I love Little Mix! And my favourite is Perrie! We can talk about those girls later), she's always telling me, how one day she hops she can meet all of them and give Perrie the biggest hug and tell her how much she loves her, which I find adorable.

"Oooo, yes pwease! Can we have Macca's?!" She squeals excitedly, to which Ace & I chuckle and nod our heads.

"Course baby girl. So tell Autummy, how was your sleepover with Ernette?" I ask while turning to the radio to turn it down as the song had finished and another came on that I wasn't into.

"It was good. Nette made cookies befwore I got there and her mummy let us eat them and watch a mwovie." She said while smiling at me with her gorgeous smile that I just adore.

"Is that so? Well what movie did you watch?" I ask as I'm still facing her way while Ace drives us to McDonalds for lunch.

"We watch Fwozen!" She clapped her hands and then started singing Let It Go. I wonder how anyone that meets her, doesn't just fall in love with her? She's just way too cute!

Getting to McDonalds, we all hope out of the car, Ace grabbing Scarbear, placing her on his hip before we all walked into the building.

"Scarly, what do you want, honey?" Ace asked her as we stand at the counter, waiting to order.

"Can I have a bwig happy meal, wif chicken nuggwets, owange jwice?" She asks listing off what she wants while looking up at Ace adoringly with her big green-blue eyes. She loves her big brother so much, I swear.

"Sure thing Scarly." Ace kissed her on the cheek before passing her to me as she kept asking to go on the playground, while he went to order our food, since he already knows what I'll have.

Walking into the playground area, I let go of Scar's hand and smile as she runs off and starts climbing all the way up to the slide.

"Autummy! Watch me!" She screams happily, but waiting until I reply to go.

"I'm watching sweetie!" I call back, standing up and going to a better spot to see her easier. In seconds she's at the bottom of the slide smiling at me before running back up and doing it again. I wish I could be a kid again, but you know what? I wouldn't change anything for the world, I wouldn't change my baby boy, my amazing boyfriend, my parents, my friends, my Scarbear, nothing. I won't change a thing.

After about 4 times of Scar going down the slide, Ace opens the door and calls us indicating that the foods ready.

"Awey! I went down the swide! It so much fwun!" Scar says while tugging on his hand than she had ran over and grabbed when he called her name.

"I see baby girl. Did you have fun?" He ask while directing us to a table before we all placed our booties on the seat. While Ace and Scar talk, I sort out all our food.

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