Chapter 3

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*All of the girls❤️*
Autumn's POV:
It's been a week since what happened between me and Katie and I have to say things are going amazing. Katie stopped bothering me and Ace finally got peace from her as she doesn't come near him at all anymore, I think she's moved on to the next guy of the month to be honest.

Right now, it's the weekend and I'm sitting up in my room at my desk doing homework, the usual. I have my headphones in playing music that currently playing 'Back it up - Prince Royce, Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull' I am in love with that song, it's awesome and very catchy. In the middle of the song, I hear a knock on my bedroom door that's closed so I concentrate more. I paused the music, pulled out my headphones and span around in my desk chair to face my bedroom door to see my mum standing there.

"Sweetie, I need you to come downstairs for a minute we need to talk about something." She explained and then walked downstairs before I could even reply with a word. Well okay then...

I walked downstairs to see both my parents sitting on the two seater couch, to their right Ace's parents and his baby sister on the three seater couch and lastly Ace sitting in the love seat to my parents left. I looked at Ace confused and he looked at me as if to say 'I have no clue' I wonder what's so important Ace and his family need to be hear.

"Autummy!!!" I hear a scream of a 2 year old and come running into my welcome arms.

"Hey gorgeous girl." I reply while taking her over to the love seat and sitting her on my lap as I sit next to Ace. This gorgeous girl I have on my lap would be Ace's 2 year old sister Scarlett. She's absolutely gorgeous and is full of energy I tell you. I also consider her like a little sister.

"Mumma and Daddy said whey needed wo well you somefing." She baby talked to me. She's adorable, I love her to bits this little one.

"Okay then. So what's up mum dad? Mr and Mrs Hunter?" I asked and I wrapped my arms around Scar's waist. Both our parents looked at each other and then back at us.

"Okay well, your mum, Lauren, Sam and I all have to go on a business trip for 2 months, we've decided that we'll take Scarlett with us, but you two will have to stay here as this is your last year of school and you can't afford to miss two months." My mum explained while looking between Ace and myself.

Ace and I glanced at each other, back at our parents, back at each other and back to our parents. Well this should be fun...

"Oh okay, so when do you guys leave?" Ace asked sitting forward and leaning on his elbows. His muscles in his arms flex as he does so. My god he's hot!

"We actually have to leave tomorrow night, I'm sorry we only told you guys now, but we only got told last night." Mr Hunter said sincerely. I nodded in understanding, fair enough. I see their point.

After a few more minutes of talking about arrangements which consisted of which house were staying out, the rules and that was about it. So we've decided to stay in Ace's house and the rules, my god what a list. Haha which included:
•No parties whatsoever or there will be a very big punishment.
•Not allowed to go out of the house after 8 (I know pretty early, but parents rules)
•No inviting girls/boys (not including our friends their welcome)
•Calling out parents ever 4 nights to keep them updated (I have no clue why? We pretty much adults, well Ace is)
•We have to both go grocery shopping ever Sunday (our parents are leaving spare credit cards with a bunch of money on them)
My god what a list! Well not really, some parents are worse then ours, so we're pretty lucky:)

"Right so who's ready to go out to a restaurant for dinner, before all of us leave, aye?" My dad spoke up. Sounds like fun, so I'm in.

"Andrew, that sounds amazing. Family dinner, love those." Mr Hunter said with a grin plaster on his face.

"Awesome, so it's settled, we'll leave in 20." Mrs Hunter said while standing up. She was about to walk out the door when Scar spoke up.

"Mummy can Autummy do my hair and help me pick out my clothes?" She asked in her adorable little voice. Awww she's so cute. I love doing her hair and helping her pick out which clothes to wear.

"Of course baby, but go ask Autumn of it's okay first." Mrs Hunter explained as she looked at me. Scar came skipping over to me.

"Autummy, can you do my hair and help me pick out an outfit, pleeeeaseeee." She begged while holding her hands together and jumping up and down. I chuckled at this gorgeous 2 year old standing below me me.

"Of course baby girl! Let's get going shall we, then you can help me pick out my outfit of you like?" I offered as I picked her up and started walking out the door and over to the Hunters house. She had this huge grin on her tiny little face and she squealed.

"Yay! I love you Autummy!" She said and she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissed my cheek and put her head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too baby girl, very very much." I replied as I kissed her head and started walking up the stairs of the house towards her princess bedroom.

I'm looking forward to this:)

*And Chapter 3 is up! I just love baby Scar:) she's adorable! Kinda reminds me of my best friends little sister who I'm really close with:) hehe anyway I hope you liked this chapter. Please please vote, like whatever you want to do:)

~Teleah xxx

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