Chapter 4

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*All the boys😱*
Autumn's POV:
After and 20 minutes, Scarlett was all ready and we were now on our way back to my house to get myself ready.

After the 40 minutes was up, me and Scar looked really nice if I do say so myself. According to Scarlett we look like beautiful casual princesses, she cracks me up.

Scarlett looked so cute in what she was wear she had her hair up on the side but there was two braids at the back of her hair and joined into the side pony tail. Her outfit was a blue ruffle with a brown flower belt and a sleeveless white jacket. I had my hair with a Dutch at the front on the left side and pulled into a side pony tail as well. My outfit was a pair of black rubbed jeans, brown combat boots, white long sleeved top, green jacket with a checkered scarf.

One everyone was ready, we all walked out the door and into two separate cars, in my dads car you had, my mum and dad and Mr and Mrs Hunter, in Ace's car you had Ace, Scarlett and myself

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One everyone was ready, we all walked out the door and into two separate cars, in my dads car you had, my mum and dad and Mr and Mrs Hunter, in Ace's car you had Ace, Scarlett and myself. The whole way to the restaurant was full of songs, singing, little bit of dancing, talking and playing I spy, it was pretty fun and Scarlett couldn't stop smiling the whole ride there.

We pulled up into the restaurant parking lot, tonight we would be eating at McDonalds! What a fancy restaurant, haha. Nah I'm just messing with ya, were actually having dinner at a place called Susan's Handy Cafe. Weird I know, like why would we go to a cafe when we want a restaurant. It's actually a restaurant but Susan the owner put the word cafe, I guess to trick people, I don't know.

We all hoped out of the car and I went to the back door to get Scar out. I placed her on my hip once she was fully out of the car and we all started walking towards the door.

"Hello, welcome to Susan's Handy Cafe. Do you have a reservation?" The boy who looked to be in his late 20's asked.

"Yes we do, it's under Amber Hunter." Mrs Hunter replied. The boy nodded his head and scanned his eyes across the sheet at the desk.

"Ahh yes! Here we are, Amber Hunter, table for 7 correct?" He asked while closing the booklet. Amber nodded her head in confirmation.

He smiled brightly and took us to our seats that were at the back of the restaurant and didn't have many tables around so it was quiet pretty much, thank god.

"I hope you enjoy your nights guys, you waitress will be right with you." He smiled happily at us and walked off back to the front desk to accompany then next guests.

We all went off into conversations of our own. My mum and Mrs Hunter, Mr Hunter, my dad and Ace and me and Scar started talking about princesses and what she wants to be when she grows up and stuff.

"Oh, so you wanna be a princess?" I questioned with a smile on my face.

"Yes! I wanna be a pwincess, a bweautiful pwincess!" She squeals in a loud but quiet voice, I just chuckle at this gorgeous girl next to me.

"Baby girl, you can be anything you want to be. Your beautiful now and if you never become a princess, you'll still be a princess to me." I told her as I leant forward and kissed her forehead.

"How bout you Autummy? What do you wanna be?" She asked as she stared up at me with her beautiful greenish-blue eyes.

"Well as much as people might not notice, but I actually want to own my own company for hair and beauty, I've wanted to do that since I was 10." I explain to the 2 year old. Now, she might be only 2 but she can have a conversation with you like she's an adult, she's really smart!

"Wow! That's cool!" She exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air and I laughed at her.

I saw out of the corner of my eye, the waitress coming over with a paper and pen in the hand ready. Once she was at the table she immediately started staring at Ace
And I became very uncomfortable. I didn't like the way she was staring at him, it was making me jealous. I don't think he cared as much because he wasn't looking at her.

"Hi guys, I'm Caitlyn and I'll be your waitress tonight. So for starters can I get you any drinks?" She asked as politely as she could. Her face was caked in makeup, she looks like a barbie to be honest (A/N: No offence to those who wear a lot of makeup)

We all ordered out drinks and also grabbed to plates of garlic bread to start us off. Which let me tell you was amazing. The rest of dinner was full of talks about how Ace and I are doing in school, what their gonna do on the business trips, what's gonna happen while we're at home.

Let me tell you it was an amazing family dinner, we have these every month and the only time they don't happen is when our parents go on business trips but as soon as they get back we continue.

*Annnd done! So the boys are up the top, comment who you want with who, and which ever is the most I'll put together:) it's you guys that are gonna pick for me. Love you all!

~Teleah xxx

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