Chapter 11

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I'm feeling all these different feelings about this baby after finding out a few hours ago. Like one half of me is sad, scared, guilty and disappointed but then the other half is excited, happy and surprised.

Disappointed because I'm only 17, I'm still young myself, but maybe this was a gift to bring us closer? I don't know, all I know at the moment is I don't know whether to keep the baby or to give it up for adoption. I will not get an abortion, this baby has done nothing wrong and I don't believe in killing babies (that's just wrong. (A/N: In my opinion, I don't agree with abortion, but that's just me:) please don't hate) I don't know when to tell Ace? I mean what if he leaves me? What if he doesn't want this baby? What if he makes me get rid of it? Or what about our families? What if they kick me out?

Okay I've seriously gotta stop thinking of the negatives, that will put more stress on me. I'll just think positive and take each day as it comes. Now all I have to do is , think of a way to tell Ace and I honestly have no idea on how he's gonna take this.

"Autumn, baby!" Ace calls from the kitchen, while I'm sitting in the lounge on the couch watching tv.


"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Hmm, what do I feel like? Oo I feel like chicken pasta bake! I haven't had that in ages and apparently I make the best chicken pasta bake according to everyone who's eaten it.

"How bout I make some of my chicken pasta bake?" I call back as I get up off the couch and start walking towards the kitchen.

"Please! You make the best chicken pasta bake babe! Please please please!" See, told ya. He even pulled out his puppy dog look and he knows I can never say no to that face, ugh cheeky little....

"A! You know I can't say no to that face! It's not fair!" He just thought it was funny and laughed at my response. Cheeky little....

"Well you better get your butt out of the kitchen, so I can start cooking then aye?" I didn't even give him time to answer and started pushing him out of the kitchen.

"Okay okay, geez women. I'm leaving." He put his hands up in surrender.

"Tha-" I was cut off because he still had to finish his sentence.

"On one condition." Oh no he's playing that card, usually when he does this it's something cheeky and he always finds it hilarious.

"What is it?" I asked as my shoulders slumped knowing it was gonna be something bad.

"You have to give me a kiss." Well hey, that I don't mind! That's a bonus, I'll happily do that, hehe.

I stepped closer to him and grabbed the collar of his black t-shirt and pulled him closer to me, once he was close enough I placed a quick kiss on his lips and pulled back so quick he didn't get time to react to the kiss, then I pushed him out of the kitchen and onto the couch and walked back into the kitchen smiling in victory, he didn't see that coming.

Aces's POV:
Oh I hate when she does that to me , she's so cheeky and she loves showing it. I just love being around her, she's beautiful, gorgeous, cute, amazing, cheeky, sexy, sassing, hot. She's just on my mind 24/7 and she just won't disappear.

These past few weeks have been amazing and the best weeks of my life and I'm sad that I will be coming to an end soon, another 3-4 weeks and out parents will be back. I just wanna know what's gonna happen with us? Are we gonna continue this 'more than friends, less than a relationship' thing or are we just gonna go back to being best friends and forget it happened.

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