Authors Note

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*So hey, everyone has been asking and asking for an update and I think I should tell you why I haven't updated as such.

1. I've been really busy over the holidays, I've had to friends birthday parties, went to my aunties on the other side of the city.

2. Also I was gonna update earlier this morning but couldn't come up with any ideas, because I was to excited for the AFL GRAND FINAL! Western Bulldogs, bet Sydney Swans by 22 points and haven't won a premiership since 1961! So congratulations to them on the amazing win! They played hard, fast and fantastic! They deserved it!

3. I've completely ran out of ideas for the next chapter! I'm usually really good with this stuff but my mind has just blanked out this past week and I can't think.

So what I was thinking:
•Everyone, comment ideas! Anything!
•Message me, your ideas if you want, write it in the comments, write it on my wall! Anything!

I want you guys to help me with the next chapter, I'll put some ideas together and mention those people in the chapter at the end as a thank-you.

Please please please, I really need your comments! On ideas for the next chapter. Just also make sure it's something that revolves around the last chapter as well.

Thank you so much, I hope this is okay! Also keep
And liking ❤️

Love you all 😘

~Teleah xxx

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