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"I-im not guilty, and all the charges are getting stuck on Donate?"

"Yes ma'am. Now your a free women."

Ms. Carter said as she helped me up off the floor.

"Ms. Alexander you are free to go. Court dismissed!"

The judge said as he banged the gravel and got up as Dontae sat in his seat looking stupid.

"So how many years is he looking at?"

"Anywhere between twenty years to life."

I shook my head and walked out the court holding my fathers hand.

"Thanks Dad."

"No problem babygirl. You were well worth every penny spent."


It's seems as if they already knew I was going to be free since they threw me a welcome home party, even though I wasn't gone that long.

"Hey can we talk to you?"

Aloni asked as Marcel stood behind her looking around.


I finished up playing with the boys in the backyard, and then got up as they followed me into the house to the dining room as we sat down.

"First I want to start off by thanking you for taking care of Maloni."

"No problem. Where were you two anyways?"

"I perfer not to disclose that information right now, but we were wondering if we can have Maloni back?"

"All these years went by and now you want her back? What's the motive?"

"There isn't one we just want our baby back, and since we did you a favor this will be yours in return."

"How about this. If she wants to go then she can but I'm not going to force her."

I shook my head already knowing she wasn't going to agree with that.

"Ok, that's sounds fair."

Aloni said as I got up and went to the kitchen to get Maloni so we could figure this out.

I walked in the kitchen to see them eating ice cream.

"Hey Messiah and Maloni."

"Heeyyyyyyy mommy!"

Messiah said happily and went back to eating is ice cream, making me smile.

"I need to talk to you Maloni."


"I'll be right back ok Messiah?"

"Ok sissy."

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