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"Listen it's been a months, two weeks, twenty-three hours and fifteen seconds since you had them babies."

I shook my head as Dontae came in the room sitting next to me while watching me watch T.V.


I looked at him getting even more creeped out that he knows that.

"I'll give you a year and then we'll start making some of our own."

"I'm not having sex with you and I'm definitely not going to carry demons inside of me."

He started laughing and then he was about to hit me until he seem I was holding Daylen.

"You lucky but remember what I said."

He said while walking out. I shook my head and fixed the babies bottles since they started whining.

After feeding and burping them, I changed their diapers and laid them in their bed. Then, Maloni walked in the room along with some of her toys.


"Yes baby?"

"Do you have time to play with me?"

"Of course. Let me finish cleaning up my mess and then we can play."


After throwing the trash away and putting everything back where it belonged I washed my hands, and checked on the babies before going over to Maloni who was setting stuff up.

"Alright. What do you want to do first?"

"Can we do a tea party then makeup?"


After having a tea party for a hour and then playing in makeup we started talking.

"Mommy guess what?"


"Me and Terrell's birthday is coming up."

"I know."

Terrell's birthday is May fifth and Maloni's birthday is May sixth.

"Can we have a big party, like last year?"

She had a huge smile on her face that made me want to cry. I didn't want to break her heart, telling her it's not going to happen since I didn't know what the future held.

"I'll see what I can do ok?"

"Ok mommy. Do you know when we we'll get to see Daddy again?"

I began to tear up just thinking about Shamar all over again.


Just then I heard glass break and I checked on the babies before making my way downstairs, with Malini trailing behind me.

Once we reached the living room I seen that the T.V hanging on the wall was broken.

"What happened?"

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