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I woke up to my alarm going off, so I pressed snooze and put the cover over my face. Next thing I know I feel someone crawling on my bed, so I just continued to lay there, with my eyes closed.

The cover got pulled from off my face and the next thing I feel is kisses being planted everywhere on my face.


I smiled and opened my eyes and they didn't stop, until I put my hands over my face and sat up. Terrell climbed on me and laid on my boobs with his eyes closed.

"How does it feel for your wishes to come true?"

I placed my hand over my mouth because I know I had morning breath.

"I don't know what your talking about."

I smiled on the inside."He really does listen to everything." I thought to myself.

"Of course you'd say that lie. Now get up and get ready for school."

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes, if you living under my roof you go by my rules, and you need to go to school everyday. Plus getting a education is good thing."

"Well I'll leave. School is becoming to much."

He gave me a long hard look before I smiled and laid Terrell down, to go brush my teeth.

"Ooooooooook. I'm going."

"That's what I thought."

After I brushed my teeth I got in the shower. I got out and wrapped my towel around me going into my closet. I picked out a casual outfit, then I walked into my room to find it empty but the T.V. was still on.

I grabbed the remote then turned it off, and then looked at the clock on my night stand and it was 7:35. I grabbed what I needed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Your plate is in the microwave and don't be late."

"Ok. Have a good day."

"You to."

I looked at Terrell and seen that be still had his PJ's on.

"Why he not dressed?"

"He wanted to keep them on, besides be kept running from me."

I laughed as I kissed and hugged Terrell and he did the same, then Shamar grabbed me.

"Where's mine?"


He kissed me and I tried moving moving my head but it didn't work, so I gave in. After a couple seconds of that he pulled back and then gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Don't try to reject me girl."

"Whatever, now go before your late."

"I wouldn't mind being late if your the cause."

"But I'm not a valid reason to be late."

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