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Today is Halloween and we're going Trick or treating. Terrell picked out his costume which was a ninja. I chose to be a Goddess. While Shamar just chose to be himself, a lawyer.

Anyways we were pulling up to his grandma's, Cookie house since we were all going together. We got out the car and went to the door while I knocked, and Devon opened it.

"Hello hello. What do we have here?"

He looked me up and down before he licked his lips, and looked back at my face.

"Really? What are you supposed to be?"

"Pinky from off Friday duh. Mannn Shamar get yo girl she slow."

"You don't look like him.

Shamar said laughing as Devon tried to impersonate him.

"Whatever. Anyways, I'm the treat and your the...?"


Shamar said laughing, pointing to me.

"Haha not funny."

"Look at my lil ninja."

Devon picked Terrell up and started talking to him, while walking away from the door. We walked into the house and everyone was in the living room.

Cookie was dressed up as a sexy cheetah; Deloris and Shawn were dressed as doctors, and last but not least Sherry was dressed as the devil.

"You all look nice in your costumes."

"Thanks, I was just telling Sherry how good she looked."

Cookie said, as everyone started laughing except for Sherry.

"I don't see what's funny, it's a simple costume."

"You could've chose something else tho sis. It's alot of other simple things you could've done."

Devon said, I just shook my head.

"Let's get this show on the rode, before it gets too late."

Cookie said as she started dancing like she was at the club. We all started walking towards the door, and started walking to the neighbors door.

I rung the door bell, and a couple came to the door dressed as minions.

"Trick or treat!"

We all said at the same time as they started putting candy in our bags.
After what seemed like forever of doing that we returned back to Cookies house and sat around in the living room.


Niggas gon' always be niggas
Can't afford to give my heart to these niggas
Ain't got time to lose my mind to these niggas

I sung Kehlani- Niggas as I sat at my vanity putting my hair into a low sleek ponytail, while the rest of my hair remained puffy.

"So that's how you feeling this good Friday morning?"

"Yep. This my song."

"I figured you was all into it."

I started laughing as I put the finishing touches on my hair before getting up. My outfit today was a white V neck shirt with grey jeans with rips in the knees with my white puma creepers.

"You want me to take you to school today?"

"No I don't wanna make you late for work."

"I'm not going today."


"Cause it's my off day."

"Oh ok. But no thank you. I need to get leaving now before I end up late."


I walked out my room passing Shamar in my doorway. I made my way towards Terrell room and he was already up watching t.v.

I gave him a kiss and said bye, then looked at my phone and the clock said it was 7:45. I continued out of Terrell room until I walked right into Shamar's chest.

"Where's my kiss?"

"I don't know."

He leaned down and kissed me on my cheek because I moved my head.

"Ok I see how we being today."

"Don't forget to feed Terrell."


I stood on my tippy toes and he met me the rest of the way, and so I kissed him passionately. After I smiled at him and went downstairs and grabbed my keys off the key ring and walked out to get in the car.

I started it up and let it warm up for a minute while I turned the radio on.

Ten minutes I arrived at school, today was our field trip to the college so the whole school day I would be gone. I walked into class and everyone was just sitting around.

I found my seat and put in my earphones and started listening music, then my earphone was pulled out my right ear.

"It's time to go."


"So get up."

"Nigga shut up. I move when I want not when im told."


We went outside and the teacher already had assigned partners and I so happened to be Derrick. And when we got on the bus we had to sit next to our partners

"This is going to be a long day."

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