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Let's try this again for the third time.....😴😴😴😴😴

A month later......

"Mommy Mommy get up and look what Santa got us!!"

The kids yelled while crawling on the bed. I opened one of my eyes and seen them smiling, then I looked over to see Shamar smiling as well.

"Alright alright I'm up."


I went and peed which felt like forever and then I did the rest of my morning routine. Once I finished I met them in the living room.

"You guys ready to see what you got?"


"Well open them up."

Terrell opened his gift and started turning red. He got up and walked over to me and showed me a piece of paper.

Dear Terrell a.k.a "Bad Ass",
Merry Christmas! I know when your sleeping, and I know when your awake. I know if you been bad or good, and my God you've been bad. So see yah next year buddy.
P.S. Thanks for the cookies and milk.

"Rain why he do me like this?"

"Do what?"

"Leave me this note and coal?"

He brought it to me, and after I read it I started laughing.

"You did it yourself."

"But I've been good I swear I have. From my grades, to my behavior, and to the girls."

I started laughing which made him more mad. He sat on my lap then started crying.

"This is such a tragic. I'm sorry what whatever I've done."

He cried on my shoulder until I started to push him off me.

"The presents with the T on it is yours. That was a good joke wasn't it?"


He wiped his face, then went under the tree and stared getting his presents then unwrapping them.

After thirty minutes they were done and cleaning up the mess they made. I decided to give Shamar his gift then I went back to bed.


"Wake up."

I turned to my side and just stared at Shamar.

"Come on and get up, we have to get ready to go to Cookie's house."

"What time is it?"

"Noon. Now wake up."

I turned to the other side and slowly closed my eyes until I heard Shamar say my name.

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