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Shamar pulled up outside of her house but it looked different to me. Once I got out the car I fixed my clothes and knocked on the door only to find out she doesn't live there  anymore.

I went back to the car and told Shamar and he began to get angry as I became more nervous, until I seen my old house garage open and my father come out.

I got out the car and walked over to him.

"Looking for the kids?"

He asked walking over to me, but we ending up just walking back in the garage.

"Yea. Where are they?"

"In the house sleep."

I let out all the air I was holding in, and decided to catch up with him a little bit.

"How long ago did he drop them off?"

"A hour ago, he just dropped them off on they porch and pulled off not seeing if they made it in or not."

"Damn. It wasn't even a hour ago when we last spoke on the phon, and what happened to Ms.Renee?"

My dad looked at me and shook his head in disappointment.

"That nigga up to something, and it don't seem good. And she died a couple months after you left."

I shook my head, if she died then why didn't Shamar tell me instead of making me look like a fool going to them people door.

"What is really going on with him?"

I asked myself before responding to my dad.

"Well the only reason we back is because he want to me to set up Shamar."

"Are you going to do it?"

"Nope, living with him was hell."

He shook his head and looked at me as he reached for my shoulder where I got shot.

"What happened here?"

He asked while rubbing his finger across the scar, that was no longer hidden by my hair.

"He shot me."

I kept it simple hoping he wouldn't ask about it anymore.


He asked taking a rolled up blunt from behind his ear, sparking it then taking a couple puffs before trying to hand it to me.

"No thanks, and because I didn't want to marry him."

He took a long drag from his blunt then looked back up at me.

"That nigga crazy. Where you been and who's kids are those?"

"I was in Cuba, and there all mine."

"Them all my grandbabies!?"


He started choking and started patting his chest. Once he calmed down he shook his head.

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