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🎉Happy New Year's!!!🎉

Today I'm going by Mrs. Renee's house to do my bi weekly visits. Then, im going to visit my house since it's next door, and make sure everything is still there because I still don't trust my father after all these years.

As I got out my car I walked up to the door, and decided instead of me knocking on the door I should use my key. Once I unlocked it and came in the door I was hearing yelling.

"Get the hell out! I'm not giving you shit!"


"You've put new through hell and hot water, now your old enough to know what the fuck you get yourself into! Stop doing this to yourself!"

"But mom!'

"But nothing Tiffany your a grown women, now get the hell out!"

"Fuck you then you old bitch!"

Tiffany said as she almost pushed me down walking towards the door.

"My bad Rain "

She said as she walked out the door with big sunglasses on, over the years she decided to put our differences aside and become cordial with one another.

Anyways I locked the door and walked into the living room to where Ms. Renee was shaking her head, I walked over and gave her a hug before sitting on the couch next to the on me he was on.

"Hey baby."

"Hey how you doing?"

"I'm good how about you?"

"Not so well."

"What's wrong?"

"Tiffany got into some shit again with a guy from her past."

"Do you mind if I ask what happened?"

"She was a fast ass, dating grown men and anything else you can think of. So one day she decided to steal which was hell for me."

She began to tear up did I sat next to her and hugged her.

"He threatened to kill my husband if we didn't get him his money back. And we couldn't pay him back and so she's the reason my husband is dead, and I lost my baby."

She just broke down in tears in my arms as she cried her eyes out for a good ten minutes. Once she calmed down she continued.

"And then now she did the same thing, she's messing back with him and stole some more shit and now he beat her ass and now threatening to kill me."

"Is that why you say the hurtful things you say to her?"

"Yes. After my husband died I couldn't stand her. I still can't and I know she's my child and all but there's just certain boundaries you don't cross and she crossed that one. My first and only love is never coming back because of her, he's been dead for twenty years. And I never got to meet my baby boy either."

"What happened to him?"

"I was stressed out so had I had a miscarriage."

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