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Feeling generous today 😘

I heard voices but I couldn't figure out who they belonged to at the moment, so I just continued to lay where I was due to my body being sore.

As I turned to my side, out of nowhere my memory came back and my eyes flew open, as I realized I was laying in a bedroom and not a hospital.

I looked around for the kids but I couldn't find them, as I got up I began to get nervous and the babies kicked non-stop.

"Thank good you two are ok."

I said as I rubbed my stomach to calm them down. As I approached the door where I heard the voices, the door flew open and who it revealed caused my heart to drop.

"Morning beautiful."

Dontae said as he stood in the doorway with a smile on his face.

"Where are my kids?"

"Sitting down occupied."

I pushed past him and realized that we were on a airplane, as I kept walking I heard the kids talking and I found them playing on iPads with Dre beats covering their ears.


They both said as I took the earphones off their heads at the same time causing them to look at me.

"Are you guys ok?"

I examined both of them and they were free of scars, it didn't even look like they were in a accident.

"Yea, your friend is nice to us."

"That's not my friend."

I told them angrily, I hate that I've been put in this situation.

"I'm not? Kids put the earphones back on."

I heard from behind me, so I stood up and looked Dontae dead in the eyes.

"No your not."

"Come with me real quick."

"No. Someone help we've been kidnapped!"

I yelled, but he grabbed my arm and slightly pulled me off to the kitchen. The kids weren't paying any attention since they were so into playing on the iPads and listening to whatever.

"Look Rain, I don't know why you acting like this but your gonna get used to this shit. And nobody's going to help you so stop wasting your breath."

He said then slapped me and walked out the kitchen. I walked around the kitchen looking for knifes or anything sharp but I failed.

"Sit your ass down the plane about to land."

I did as told and after the plane landed we got out and got in a truck the was black.

As he made it to the roads nothing looked familiar at all, I tried rolling the window down but it was locked. So I tried opening the door but that failed as well.

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