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"Oh my God! That's a gorgeous ring!" Gianina exclaimed as she inspected my hand

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"Oh my God! That's a gorgeous ring!" Gianina exclaimed as she inspected my hand. Devon stood behind me talking to his father informing him that he proposed to me.

Gianina looked over my shoulder and said "Man you've got a good taste in rings".

"Actually its his dad's taste, this ring was his mother's engagement ring".

"Awww" she awed then hugged me so hard. Devon hung up the call and said "I think you should tell your parents".

"Oh right" I fished my phone from the purse and FaceTimed my mom she answered within a minute and said "Hey you" her face popped into the screen.

"Hi mom, is dad with you?".

"Yeah he is right here" she moved her phone and my dad came into the screen he was wearing his reading glasses that made him look 10 years older.

"Babe, get over here" I called for Devon.

I call him babe whenever we are in public.

He leaned down his head over my shoulder. I took a deep breathe and pulled my left hand up showing my mom the ring I exclaimed "We are engaged!".

"Oh my god! I can't believe it! Congratulations!!" Mom yelled back tears welling in her eyes, my dad took off his reading glasses and was looking into the screen in a weird way.

"Thank you mom".

"Well why doesn't he look happy?" My dad questioned.

He has a point. Devon's face was turned into a frown. He did look annoyed.

"Oh dad, that's his happy face" I fought back.

Happy face my ass.

"I see, well congratulations" he said with a small smile

"Thank you".

My mom started crying and said "I can't believe it you've grown up so fast and getting married then having kids".

I'm sorry mom the contract doesn't include kids..

"Mom stop crying".

She patted her cheeks and dad leaned over her to wipe her tears with a tissue. He hated to see her sad. My parents are old but they haven't lost their affection to one another and you can see it in their eyes.

Ive always hoped that my future husband would love me like that.

"Thank you dear, have you chosen a wedding date?".

"We haven't set a date yet but it'll probably be in a month or two, I don't want to waste another minute not being married to your daughter" Devon spoke from behind me and his features has softened from that grumpy looking frown. He pressed a soft kiss on my shoulder. The minute his lips touched my skin, I was on fire and felt alive I was conscious of my body like never before. I turned my head to the side and kissed his jawline, his facial hair stroking my lips and chin. I loved that feeling.

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now