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Running my hand through my hair for the millionth time today, I listened to the board complaining about my habits of sleeping around and how everyday I'm on the first page of a sleezy tabloid

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Running my hand through my hair for the millionth time today, I listened to the board complaining about my habits of sleeping around and how everyday I'm on the first page of a sleezy tabloid. I crossed my legs waiting for these old men to shut up and go back to their wives or maybe their mistresses. They complained about my bachelor life while they were out there cheating on their wives.

After they were done I placed both my hands on the table clamping them together "Are you done?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, eyeing those filthy bastards. I looked to my right watching my cousin Jack trying to suppress a laugh.

"Mr. Enderson the board came to a decision that you are unquestionably not fit to be running this company" said Mr. Heartstrong

Ironically, he ends up in the hospital every other week because of how weak his heart is.

My veins in my forehead start pounding and I furrow my eyebrows "Excuse me".

"You heard me young man, you are not fit to take your father's footsteps and take over this company" Heartstrong repeated and I rose to my feet, slamming my hand on the table making it tremble with my fury.

"This is nonsense! You cannot deny me my birthright" I roared into the silence.

Heartstrong cleared his throat "Sir, we are not taking the company shares from you. You just won't be the CEO of this company".

"I worked hard my whole life to be the CEO and you people think you are going to take this from me?!"

"If that behavior of yours doesn't change, then yes sir we are going to give the CEO position to your father's cousin Mr. Jason Enderson".

"You are giving the most powerful empire in Europe to that crybaby?" Jack interrupted.

"Well Jack, giving it to a crybaby is better than giving it to a man-whore who'd bankrupt the empire for his pleasure and at this rate, will not even give us a heir. The guy you call a crybaby is a decent guy with a loving wife and 3 boys. The empire will be safe in his hands" Mrs. Jackson answered.

"We are giving you one last chance to change," said Heartstrong. I sighed and took off heading to my office. "Wait man!" Yelled Jack from behind as he followed me. We got into the elevator and I loosened my tie clenching my jaw muscles to contain my anger.

"I think they just roasted you in there" Jack said with a chuckle.

I glared at him "You think that's funny?"

"Absolutely not, we must control the situation as fast as possible. The last thing we need is a crybaby to take the company and disgrace our family" he replied.


"You should get married" he suggested.

Uh Oh. NOT agreed

"I don't have time for that kind of thing. Women these days want men that will worship their feet and take them on romantic picnics and talk about their none-interesting dramatic life. I have no time for dating let alone who'd marry someone like me?"

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