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My name is Rain Diana Alexander. I'm  sixteen years old. I stand at five foot two inches with a Carmel skin complexion. I have green eyes, not to mention I have to wear glasses or contacts to see. I have a perfect nose, freckles and deep dimples on both sides of my cheeks.

I'm thick in all the right places, and let me tell you I hate it. I get hit on everywhere I go, I really don't like the attention at all but thanks to my parents they created a beauty. Anyways I have long natural black hair with red streaks in it, that goes all the way past my butt. And let me tell you that thing is huge.
Anyways, I've been going through a lot these past few years.

It all started at the age of thirteen, when I figured out my mom had cancer. My dad didn't know how to cope with the news so he became a alcoholic. Before she died he left one day and never came back. Sad thing is my mom wasn't even that old she was only thirty-five. A month before she died she had my little brother. Which is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I dropped out of school Junior year to take proper care of my brother. Although I get overwhelmed, I still remain strong. I don't have any other family due to my grandparents dying in a car crash, and my mother being the only child.

Then my father's family didn't like my mother so of course they wanted nothing to do with me. But anyways since I've became grown unfortunately, I've stepped my game up and I've been handling business pretty well if you ask me.

I got a job as being a stripper, its a cool job but I really don't wanna do it I just need quick cash so my brother and I could survive. During the day I play mommy to my brother and then around nine o'clock thats when it's time for me to go to work.

Since im cool with the next door neighbor she watches my brother for me. She is such a good help, without her help I'd probably be homeless. Thank God no one's called and said I live on my own, they probably think my mom still in the hospital.

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