Chapter 1

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*Picture of Autumn*
Autumn POV:
"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Screamed some strange deep husky voice, which I think belongs to the person jumping up and down on my bed making me bounce in the air. I slowly peaked open one eye to come face to face with my best friend, Ace.

"A, why the hell are you waking me up on a Sunday?! You know I like to sleep in!" I wined while trying to roll over but failed as Ace was sitting on my lower stomach. Gosh he's so heavy!

"Now now Autey, you do realise it's Monday and the first day of Year 12 right?" A explain and he played drums on my stomach with his fingers. {A/N: for those who don't know Year 12, pretty much Senior Year*}
Wait a second, did he just say it's Monday and the first day of senior year? Holy crap, I have to get ready!

"A move! I need to get ready!" I screamed at him while trying to push him off me which again I failed at. Gosh why does he have to be so hot and full of muscle? Okay now your probably wondering why I just called my best friend hot, am I correct? Well to answer that question, I've been in love with Ace since I was 9, he doesn't know and he won't know because I don't want to ruin our friendship. The only ones that know I'm in love with him is my parents and all of my girls. My girls meaning all of my friends! :D

"Atty! Calm down we still have 1 hour and 30 minutes before school starts." Ace said while pushing me back down by my arms. I tried fighting against him but failed once again because he's much stronger than me. God dammit.

"Then why the hell didn't you let me sleep for another 30 minutes Ace?!" I cried and I face planted myself.

"Because I miss my Autey and wanted to see my beautiful best friend." I blushed bright red when he said that. Oh my god, don't blush you idiot, he's gonna figure it out and then that will ruin your friendship and all hell will break loose and then you'll become sad and depressed and- okay enough of thinking the worst Autumn.

"Awww, well aren't you a little cutie!" I cooed while pinching his cheeks as they turned pink a little. "But shouldn't you be over at Katie's house? You know how she gets when your with me." I said sadly while playing with my comforters.

"Autumn, you know just so well that I never listen to Katie, just because I'm dating her doesn't mean she can control who I talk to, okay I'm not gonna let her stop us from talking." Ace explained as he pushed a strand of hair away from my eyes.

"I know, thanks Ace." I replied while resting my elbows on his thighs. Now you see this is normal for both of us, every morning he comes in my room and wakes me up all different sorts of ways and then if I ever wake up before him (which has only happened 3 times) I wake him up.

"So how are you and Katie?" I asked to continue the conversation going since we still had another hour and 25 minutes before school started.

"We're good, I'm actually thinking of ending it to be honest Autumn." He explained and he playing with the tips of my hair, it's a habit he does, he's been doing that since we were 5 and it's just stuck I guess.

"Whys that A?" I questioned.

"Because I'm getting tired of all of her pointless drama and she keeps trying to distance me from you and I don't like it at all." He said grumpily. One thing that always makes him angry, grumpy or upset is when people say nasty things about me or they try to stop us from being friends.

"Ace, don't just break up with her because she's trying to distance us, okay? Yes I understand she has pointless drama, a lot of it to be honest, but maybe she's jealous of how close we are?" I tried to reason with him. Now your probably thinking why the hell am I doing this? Well this is how I hide my feelings, I tell him things I don't really mean. Like hell I want him to break up with that bitch! I hate her guts and can't stand her!

"But Autey, you know I'm only dating her so she doesn't torment you! I have no feelings for her whatsoever, I don't want to pretend date her anymore, she's annoying, clingy, desperate, loud, and a bitch! I don't like her at all." He explained as he continued to play with my hair.

"Okay fair enough. So how are you gonna break this off?" I asked as I watched his hands play with my hair. Oh how badly I just want to hold them in my own.

"Well I'm planning on telling her today in school. I'm just gonna tell her that I've lost all feelings for her and I don't wanna date anymore. Simple." He said with a smile on his face. Damn he sure is happy to break up with her. Gosh his smile is contagious which causes me to smile back up at him.

"Sounds good, good luck! You know how crazy she gets when someone breaks up with her." Haha I am so watching this go down! I can't wait to see her reaction, it's gonna be priceless!

Okay so let me explain.
My name is Autumn Grace Smithton, I'm 17 years old and I'm what everyone calls a nerd. I'm an only child sadly, cause it gets really lonely around here sometimes but lucky I have Ace aye? My best friend is Ace Tyrell Hunter, he's been my best friend since diapers, our parents were all best friends in high school, so that's how we have known each other so long. I have brown hair and brown-gold eyes which I love. Also I love to read books and do homework, I hate going to party's every weekend like most kids, I went to one with Ace before and hated it so much I left early. Haha good times. Oh and another fact I've actually never had a boyfriend before, haha weird right and I'm 17. Oh well being single is cool, I like it!

I looked towards the clock and saw we had 30 minutes to get ready.

"Looks like it's time to get ready. I'll meet you at your car A." I said while pushing him off and this time succeeded since he wasn't expecting it.

"Oh yeah, I'll see you at the Atty." Ace replied, before walking out he came over to me, kissed my forehead (as always) and walked out of the room to go back to his house which was next door.

Oh I'm so not ready for school....

*So first chapter is done:) I hope you liked it. How do you like Autumn and Ace? I think there really cute! What do you think about this Katie girl?

~Teleah xxx   

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