A Complete, Powerful Picture

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Dovah's POV:

"I think... I understand now."

The mysteries of power in this reality. I've gotten a pretty good idea of how things work here after countless adventures and experiments.

It's about fucking time I pieced it all together.

In the reality of South Park, there are three basic kinds of 'power' you can have. In the most extreme sense, there's Unlockable Power, Biological Power, and Technological Power with all three of these categories being intertwined and mixed like a Triple Venn Diagram.

First there is Unlockable power which, as the name suggests, consists of power you can 'unlock' so to speak. Chi or life energy is here. All branches of magic are here too.

Those kinds of power can be unlocked through either specialized training or rituals like the one New Kid inadvertently goes through to become king in SOT or the one he purposefully goes through to become a Netherborn in TFBW.

Chi is naturally present within all living beings, and if properly utilized, gives you superhuman speed, strength, agility, durability, the whole nine yards; energy attacks are also possible if you channel your inner Chi into them like what the Martial Artist class in TFBW does.

It can also be customized and focused on one specific aspect like Jimmy's super speed or the Brutalist and Speedster classes New Kid can get in TFBW.

Simply put, Chi is extremely adaptable which makes sense when you consider how it makes up all living things. Non-living beings can use this too if they can directly absorb the energy, but I'll go deeper into that later.

Then there are the magical deviations which still use Chi as a base and are tied to life itself, but said Chi is altered by a form of magic. This could be Netherborn magic, Satanic magic, Angelic magic, the list goes on and on, but the point is it's still using Chi, just with a different source altering it. This source can be accessed through bestowal rituals like the one Kenny uses to turn New Kid into a Netherborn.

Some of these deviations can be combinated due to their similar nature like Netherborn and Satanic magic, but others are polar opposites and hinder each other when mixed together like Angelic and Satanic magic. However, there are exceptions to the latter, you just need to be a little creative if you want to find them.

The sources of these different kinds of magic come from the 'progenitors' of said magic who are the 'lesser' gods that reside in most timelines. Some examples of this are Cthulhu being the progenitor of Netherborn magic, Satan and the other lucifers like the Canadian Devil being the progenitors of Satanic magic, "God" (the animal chimera thing) being the progenitor of Angelic or Holy magic, and so on.

The energy of these progenitors is naturally the 'purest' for lack of a better term which allows them to use abilities that others who use their power can't. Examples of this are Cthulhu's Elder God powers and the Satanic 'Demon Child' class abilities.

These progenitors can also manipulate the energy of others who use their powers like what Cthulhu did to the member berries' forces during the Nahkriin war. This ability in particular is what allows me to alter the fundamentals of these different kinds of magic, changing their properties to better suit my needs.

This is how I managed to mix Satanic and Holy energy and abilities together without either form of magic dampening the other. It's also how I managed to turn the Red Karen and Tricia saved into a Nephalem, something never before seen or even thought of in this reality.

My arsenal of custom bestowal rituals was the result of mastering all these different kinds of energy and magic. The power and efficiency of all my abilities stemming from these kinds of power has also been 'maxed out' for lack of a better term.

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