Christmas Time is Once a Year

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When I get to school the next day, there are more heads turning my way then not. Cartman's stream and channel were deleted but everyone saw what happened last night. Fucking wonderful. I still have that damn burning feeling in my chest which seems to only be getting worse and now this.

I'm expecting to see Kenny and Timmy with pissed off expressions but surprisingly, only the latter has one while the former is smiling.

"What are you so happy about? I thought you would be pissed and before you ask, it was all that fucking fairy's fault. Read my mind if you don't believe me!"

"Well, yeah, I am kinda pissed since our plan is being dismantled via your dick."


"Buuuut, I ended up winning in the end so I'm happy." Winning?

(("Kenny and I had a bet going on involving when you two would get together. He said it would happen before the year ended and I said it would happen after. You only had like 2 weeks left, Dovahkiin. You really couldn't hold out for 2 more weeks?"))

"Ok first of all, I had no idea this was happening. Second of all, fuck you guys. Third of all, I told you already it was that fucking pathetic excuse for a cupid who-"

The bell goes off, interrupting my rant and Kenny and Timmy leave while wishing me good luck. Thanks, assholes.

I get some congratulations from Team Craig and a grunt from the team leader during class and eat lunch with Leslie. As we are heading back to our classes, I see Cartman avoiding us like that new Muslim kid in season 11's "The Snuke".

From what I heard via Timmy lectures, if Cartman still had his insecurity system, it would be blaring 24/7. Whatever the ads did to stop his stream must of really fucked him up. The rest of Team Stan actually head over to Leslie and I as we're leaving school and ask us about it but we tell them we have no clue what happened. Even if it was just me, the most I know is that the ads had something to do with it and I can't go telling them about those things yet.

The next few weeks go by with the only change being me spending a bit more time with Leslie now and before I know it, Christmas is right around the corner so party at Tolkiens! Now from what I've seen from South Park fanfiction in my old reality, about 90% of them involve a party at Tolkien's house at some point and I can't really blame them for it since Tolkien's house is fucking huge.

The reality of things is that Tolkien never throws massive parties where every kid in town is invited. Parties usually consist of the members of Team Craig and maybe Team Stan and Nichole for things like birthday parties if Craig doesn't bitch too much about it. The former situation is more like a big hangout then a party although they tend to be on holidays so I guess it can be called a 'Whatever Holiday' Party.

Both Leslie and Kenny ask if they can come along with Craig and Tolkien reluctantly agreeing. Leslie because she wants to spend Christmas with me and Kenny because he apparently got into a bit of a fight with the rest of Team Stan so he wants to spend Christmas with his other friends. He also asked if he could bring Karen along and that resulted in Tricia forcing her way into the invite list.

After getting the ok from our various parents or in Kenny and Karen's case, sneaking out, we spent Christmas Eve helping Tolkien's parents set up decorations and sleeping over afterward.

Kenny has actually spent a bit of time helping Karen control her powers as Mysterion which has helped her a ton. He refuses to have her get involved with our 'behind the scenes' work or fights which I can understand. He also made sure to only have her use them if absolutely necessary as to not draw attention to herself.

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