Alternate Stick of Truth Finale - Bonus Unlocked: Day 4

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The morning of Day 4 arrives with the fantasy LARPing hype in South Park being greater than ever before. This isn't canon so these guys aren't starting up their superhero game just yet.

After I got back from the North Pole last night, I used T.K's new and improved time core to undo the damage the government did to my room before laying in bed and planning my next few steps out with T.K.

Oh yeah, I also went up and down my house five times over, finding a total of 37 bugs hidden all around it. T.K. alerted me of my room being bugged almost immediately after I got back and I then had him scan the rest of my house for any other 'presents' left behind by the government after they fucking kidnapped me.

I took great pleasure in destroying each and every one of them before shoving them into a paper bag and dumping said bag on the stairs in front of my house along with a note that read;

Every new bug I find in my house is getting shoved up your ass, Mr. EyePatch McBadGuy


Going back to fixing the damage those assholes did, the range of the time-reverse this time around was only in my room so I didn't have to redo the events of Night 3 again; re-doing Day 3 was enough for me, thanks. Turns out the range of this time core can be altered like how I can alter my time farts.

I wonder how using both together would work...

"DUDE! YOU'RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE IT!" Stan cries out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"IT'S SO COOL! CHECK IT OUT!" Kyle adds and I take a look at his phone.

"Word of our Stick of Truth RPG has gotten so big on Twitter- I mean carrier ravens that now Cherry Creek ELEMENTARY in Denver IS CHALLENGING US TO A BATTLE!" Cartman explains.

"So cool! Check it out! Check it out!" Kyle says enthusiastically while playing the video on his phone which is a message from a bunch of kids in orc cosplay outfits.

"Attention humans and elves! The Cherry Creek Blood Orcs will soon have the Stick of Truth! Prepare your fortresses for WAR!!!"


"No way they will take the Stick of Truth from our homeland!" Cartman declares.

"Yeah! So we united with the Armies of Darkness. Clyde even said we could use HIS fortress! And we're gonna put the stick at the top and defend it!" Stan adds.

Yup, Day 4 is everyone in South Park uniting and the scale of this game going up yet another notch with another town getting involved.

"This is gonna be amazing!" Kyle cheers.

"God, shit is finally cewl!" Cartman agrees. "Ok, so where is it?"

"Dude, give us the stick." Stan demands.

"Yeah, c'mon. This isn't funny." Kyle adds on.

Now this is where things get a little complicated.

Unfortunately, this 'cutscene' and a few basic plot points are all I know about the fourth day of this altered game.

What happens here is that the South Parkers once again lose their shit at New Kid and blame him for all their problems because the government took the Stick of Truth from him last night when they kidnapped him.

The boys then all leave depressed, intending to call the game off and New Kid's parents tell the kid that he got a message involving something about a nuclear bomb and Taco Bell having a stick.

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