South Park 64 Part 2 - Originals Rule, Copies Drool

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(A/N: Chapter title on the other sites I posted this on is (Copies (greater than sign) Original), but the greater and lesser than signs don't work on Workday for me for some reason. Other then that, it's the same exact chapter across all sites this story on; sorry about any confusion that caused.)

Dark Angel Red's POV:

Our army is growing quickly. The Time Patrollers are slowly being pushed back. It's everything I ever dreamed of before... and yet, I'm just not satisfied.

We were improving far faster back when Dovah was well... Dovah. My counterpart has gotten good at imitating his behavior and is slowly changing it to be more like hers and it's just not the fucking same. Wendy doesn't seem to mind though as she just behaves like a good little pet and does what she's told in brutal yet efficient fashion.

It's a pity how far she's fallen. I should have just told her the truth sooner. Maybe then, the two of us could have teamed up against the changeling and avenged Dovah, but she won't believe me now.

From what I heard, she had a little falling out with her "New Kid" when Dovah suggested she visit her old world. Gee, I wonder why?

I'm caught in a bind and I fucking hate it. I've had unreasonable goals before, but I always found ways to achieve them.

I wanted Nagitana so I used Dovah and Zenon to wear her down. I wanted Dovah to be with me f̶͖̝̈͋ö̸̦̳́͂̄r̷͉̰͚̓e̸͉̲͆̾͠v̴̻̈́̄è̴̖͒̈r̸͕͝ so I orchestrated a plan to get him by my side f̶͖̝̈͋ö̸̦̳́͂̄r̷͉̰͚̓e̸͉̲͆̾͠v̴̻̈́̄è̴̖͒̈r̸͕͝. My fucking doppelganger takes his place and I want him back, but I fucking can't get him back.

I tried traveling to the point in time where he died, but nothing was there. No branches were formed thanks to the Time Patrol tech that fucking Serpahim had, so that option is out. He was erased from existence thanks to Bradley, at least according to the changeling. I just have to hope that's a lie.

"What's wrong, babe?" Speaking of the literal devil...

"Don't call me that. We're the same person; it's creepy."

"You're the one who wanted me to stay in character."

"Ugh. Shouldn't you be destroying the Time Patrol right now or something? What happened to the latest military settlement you had your eyes on?

"All the guys in it are dov-out."


"Come on, we broke through their front lines again and we're gonna attack another sector HQ in a bit. Doesn't that sound like fun?" The fake asks while teleporting right behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Not every darkness user has to be a goth or emo, you know? How long are you gonna pout about your lost boy toy? We can just get you a new one if you don't want me anymore... unless you have a shadow you're particularly fond of, like Nagitana."

"That's not the same and you know it! If you want me to move on, I suggest you stop rubbing it in."

"I'm just trying to remind you how insignificant shit like this is to us. We're motherfucking terrors, girl! We do what we want, we take what we want, and we don't let ANYONE tell us otherwise. Anyone dumb enough to try and stop us will either become another tool for us, plant fertilizer, or space dust depending on the battlefield."

She tells me the very thing I told her when we made an alliance the first time around and I give a long, sad sigh. Maybe she's right... the last time I got really attached to someone, it literally became the death of me.

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