The End of an Era Part 2

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Exalted Agent - Toolshed's POV:

"And you? We both know you're just gonna break apart and lose. Machines can't go beyond their limit. Well, one can, but you still refuse to properly utilize it."

The last thing the world needs right now is two of him running around.

Besides, I shouldn't rely too much on that and the rest of my tech anyway. I know that if I lose my tools, I lose my power. I already learned that lesson throughout my life.

"And that's a bad thing because?"


I take this chance to rocket back up and punch him in the face, but he doesn't even flinch.

"Your 'Super Best Friend' hit me hundreds of times harder, and look where he ended up." He reminds me before blasting me with another massive combination of powers.

"And yet I've lasted a lot longer than he has! You done with the bullshit excuses yet?" I laugh despite the pain coursing through me.

"Hot Swap!" I then cry out with Dovah and I switching places right after via Tupperware's ability, making him get hit by his own attack.

He disperses it in less then a second, but- "Blocked!" A shield blocks the blow and several flashes of light from Call Girl's ability block his sight.

I then use a combination of Mysterion's Demonic Fury, Call Girl's Selfie-Stick Strike, and The Coon's Coon Claws to wail on Dovah with punches, slashes, and strikes.

I won't run away from this. Not this time!

Back then, when I first became a superhero, I wanted to make the world a place where everyone could live with a smile on their faces.

I watched my town get wrecked time and time again. Mutant genetic creatures, zombies, Thanksgiving turkeys, kaiju-sized mecha celebrities, and more. All those events happened within weeks of each other, and while my friends and I were able to help stop them, the damage was done.

Eventually, people will build new houses and things will go back to the way they were. Except they won't! They didn't!

The people in my town were going to forever live in fear! Darkness would forever lurk in their hearts, never giving them peace!

That's why my friends and I decided to become heroes after Mecha-Streisand attacked. Everyone could only protect themselves, or the people they loved at most. My friends and I could do more than that; we did more than that!

'That's why...'

"Tupper Tornado!"


My combo gets cut off as Dovah uses one of Tolkien's attacks to send me flying through more buildings.

"Once again, I find myself mirroring All For One. Look at you, wearing that power armor and facing me with your own spin on the abilities of so many young heroes. Your third and final fight with me is just like All Might's third and final fight with that demon lord LARPer!"

"Figures you would *cough* see someone like that as a role model." I deadpan while coughing out blood.

"ROLE MODEL?!?" He gawks at me like I just threw the worst insult in the multiverse at him. "You're joking, right? All For One is an ascended chuunibyou demon lord-wannabe! Refusing to fuck off and taking over the plot from his so-called successor turned host is one thing, but that guy just keeps having one overly-complex failure after another!

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