Uno Reverso

284 17 26

"Dude, settle down."


"Tweek, even if North Korea attacks us, we know a guy who can literally blow the country to kingdom come by himself if he wanted to. We'll be fine."

The second episode of season 21, "Put it Down" just started up and with it comes a lot of changes right off the bat. For starters, no Cartman and Heidi couple means no suicide subplot.

As for the main plot, I make sure that Tweek doesn't try to insert himself into the problem so he doesn't make things worse for himself. Even then, he's still stressed as hell so we need to find some way for him to get it together.

While he and Craig aren't a couple like in the show, they are still best friends so Craigs doing whatever he can to help along with the rest of the guys.

I know what it's like to be unreasonably paranoid here. Hell, just last month when Team Craig was having a sleepover, I lost my shit when Craig pulled out an ouija board. I immediately burned the thing to ashes to prevent a potential recreation of the South Park fan story 'Hell Park' despite how ridiculous that sounds.

I just didn't want to risk the possibility of Jimmy having his face eaten off by a demonic Pip, okay?

Back to Tweek, Kenny and I suggest medicinal herbs but Craig shuts that down as he doesn't want Tweek taking any more drugs. Hypnotherapy via Timmy is also suggested but Tweek is completely against it. Same goes with Kenny when Timmy suggests using it on him so he gets over his Smile Dip addiction.

"It goes away when I die!"

"And yet you still do it."

"Aoshima needs me!"

We eventually decide on going to an amusement park, only it's the entire group of Craig and those guys this time around instead of just Craig and Tweek.

I also order the member berries to tell Garrison to knock it off and make sure Tweek sees me doing so which makes him feel a lot better. He's still a little freaked out about how I seem to be in control of everything but I just have to assure him every once in a while that I'm not gonna try and take over the world or anything stupid like that.

Huh... I just realized that I basically control the United States of America through the member berries now. Neat.

(("It's a conspiracy, I tell you!"))

'Very funny.'

(("You know what else is funny? You claiming that time was invented by companies so they could sell clocks."))

'I was hammered and Kenny was the one spearheading the pro side of that anarchist debate!'

The distracted driving murder spree at the park kinda ruins things after a while so we end up going to Casa Bonita later to make up for it. I wonder if that DLC in TFBW is even going to happen now? Probably not considering Karen has Kenny, Timmy, Tricia, and I to hang out with.

I've been going there quite a lot over the years as the place really is the best Mexican restaurant in the world. I never got to go there in my old world and kinda regret not taking the trip over to one of their locations at some point but being able to go here whenever I want now more than makes up for it.

There are no adorable little sisters to save or vamp kids to beat up so I can just enjoy myself.

While we're all enjoying our food, Timmy suddenly sends me yet another telepathic message.

(("So, I've heard you got another "helper" for us, Dovah."))

'Yeah, what about it? Makes our job easier, right?'

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