Who History is Written By

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?????'s POV:

Just how did he do it?

Flashback-Dovah's POV:

"You're right, you're not a man." I summon a bone hand to grab his neck and begin to choke the life out of him.

"You're a pig! Let me hear you... SQUEAL!"

I summon flames around my hand which is right in front of Cartman's face as he's looking at me like I'm the devil himself while feeling like he's being roasted alive. Well, maybe not the devil since Satan is a pretty nice guy here but he is giving me a look of pure fear while I have a sadistic grin on my face.


Did he even have powers before moving here? How did he go from that to this in just a few years?

"Man, am I happy I didn't use this baby during the drone wars. We would have missed one hell of a show without ever knowing it!"

Through the live video feed, I can see him launching magic attacks that could decimate all of South Park if he wanted them to. He even makes Damien, the literal son of Satan, look like a joke in comparison. It's like something out of an anime.

And then there's Kenny who's somehow changed even more than him and I don't just mean physically though him being a German undead in a princess costume is definitely a change from the orange parka he wore almost 24/7 until a few years ago.

Another Flashback-Dovah's POV:

"Not just with my powers but also who I am as a person. I separated different parts of myself so much, it's like I had Multiple Personality Disorder! But you helped me realize that those parts of me are just that. Parts of me. Parts of Kenny McCormick. I felt like a brand new person after I realized that. I didn't feel afraid anymore."

He then takes off his parka completely revealing a plain white t-shirt with 'sweatpants' in black at the top center and 'jk t-shirt' in black towards the bottom center of the shirt. I chuckle a bit at it.

"You telling me I could get chicks if I took down the hood kinda removed the last mental roadblocks for me. It wasn't because of girls or anything like that, it's because you thought I would be better off without it and I agreed."

A giant ass Kenny killing meteor suddenly comes flying down at us with the intention to cause yet another Kenny death but the blond quickly powers up into Grim Fate and rockets towards the meteor, shattering it by plowing right through it with a flame coated punch.

The meteor explodes in a dazzling light and Kenny lands back next to me without a scratch on him.

"I don't have to be afraid of people, the constant deaths, or myself anymore. I've got the power and fucking balls to stop those things from hurting me and rise above it. I haven't died in almost 3 months since I've been able to stop every death attempt my stupid Cthulhu curse has thrown at me!"

He then burned the parka still in his hands to ashes.

"I don't need this thing anymore. I can live without it now."


Just how does he do it? How has he changed everything so much? I guess I should be happy that he never really talked to me or tried to change me (at least I think he hasn't yet) because that allowed me to see everything from an outsider's point of view.

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