Bonus Chapter #2 - Story Arcs, Behind the Scenes, and Future Plans

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And so ends both the longest arc and longest chapter so far.

Let's do a little recap, shall we?

Overview so far:

Act 1:

Stick of Truth Arc: Chp 1 "A Brand New Reality" - Chp 16 "Light at the Distorted Tunnel's End"

(Covers Stick of Truth)

Ad Arc: Chp 17 "Out of Order" - Chp 32 "Shutting Down"

(Covers Seasons S18-S19)

Development Arc: Chp 33 "Christmas With the Satanists Part 1" - Chp 45 "Uno Reverso"

(Covers Seasons S20-S21 Episode 4)

Fractured but Whole Arc: Chp 46 "The Fractured but Whole" - Chp 61 "Telepathic Titans"

(Covers TFBW, Casa Bonita DLC, Bring the Crunch DLC, The rest of S21)

Nahkriin Arc: Chp 62 "Undefeatable" - Chp 78 "A New Beginning"

(Covers Season 22, The Nahkriin War)

Bonus Chapter 1 - Chp 79

Act 2:

Expansion Arc: Chp 80 "Changing the Future, Take 2" - Chp 106 "Alternate Stick of Truth Finale - Bonus Unlocked: Day 4"

(Covers Alternate (canon) TFBW, Tenorman's Revenge, and Alternate SOT)

Bonus Chapter 2 - Chp 107

The Dark Arc: Chp 108 "???" - Chp 129 "???"

Act 3:


After a one week hiatus (rest), I'll be getting started on HTSSP's latest arc and the final arc for Act 2, 'The Dark Arc', which gets plenty of red flags from the title alone.

I was originally planning on having HTSSP be a trilogy of stories, but I eventually settled on making it one gigantic story with a shitload of chapters.

Each 'Act' was meant to be its own story in the trilogy with Act 1 featuring the events in Dovah's timeline, Act 2 involving Dovah's adventures throughout the multiverse and his revenge quest on Butters, and Act 3 being something I have no plans on spoiling right now.

This latest arc is going to be another big one where climactic showdowns occur, mysteries spanning over a hundred chapters are solved, and a certain white-haired kid's identity and purpose in all of this finally gets revealed.

It's gonna be one hell of an adventure, but before that, here are a few behind the scenes thoughts about this story so far.

Stick of Truth Arc: The idea for this arc and this story in general came to me while I was attempting to speedrun SOT for fun a few years after originally beating it. I'm not a top contender IRL and I don't bother posting times to like Dovah in this story did before being isekai'd, but I have checked out the competition from time to time and watched HardcoreCheese5 fucking dominate pretty much every possible category in that game for a while now.

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