Battle of Gods - Round 2

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"What can you tell me about the Symbol of Freedom?" I had asked the Dark Angel shortly after absorbing Cthulhu and becoming an Elder God.

I had plenty of plans to come up with back then and knowing about my main opposition was basically required (among many other things) to ensure they worked as intended.

"That kid is a fucking monster in human form, plain and simple." Red tells me as a shiver runs down her spine. "He may look ridiculous and completely, hilariously full of himself with his little red jammies and stupid goatee, but ridiculous stops being ridiculous when you have the strength to back it up."

"You think I could match up to him as I am now?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"No." She answered instantly. "There are countless rumors about the guy spread throughout the multiverse, but I just assumed it was nothing but propaganda. Then I saw a security recording the Leslie terror managed to acquire showing a sparring session between him and several of the other Exalted Agents, the Toolshed who defeated you before included.

He beat them all down in less than a minute with next to no effort. That made me believe in most of the other rumors such as any beings he was called in to arrest, with most of them being Time Terrors by the way, lasting no longer than 30 seconds against him.

The one exception is that stupid comet which still gives me nightmares from time to time. The oversized pixely boulder was the most terrifying thing I ever felt in my entire life by a fucking longshot with its presense alone being enough to fucking destroy spacetime all around it, and the Symbol of Freedom apparently fought it to a fucking standstill before.

That kid is a being no one dares to mess with in the entire multiverse. If there is even the slightest whisper of that kid potentially being sent someone's way, they fucking hightail it out of the known, charted multiverse with whatever they can carry ASAP!

You're strong, Dii, way stronger than me and most of the other current terrors. But promise me that if the Symbol of Freedom ever shows up to stop us, you won't try to fight him. Even as you are now, you'll be completely slaughtered."

I promised her just that... but didn't mean it one bit. Crossed my fingers and everything, unknown to her.

I figured that by the time that confrontation happened, I'd be ready for the seemingly borderline unbeatable true final boss of the Time Patrol that this guy was hyped up to be.

As Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War, "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." I followed his advice to the fucking letter!

Well the time for that confrontation has finally come and guess who just lost the top half of their head in like three seconds since the fight started? This guy!

The All For One comparisons are just getting ridiculous at this point.

To emphasize how utterly insane Young Freeman's attack was, let me tell you about a new addition to my already ludicrous amount of defense.

Taking some inspiration from the anime and manga Tensura (or 'Reincarnated as a Slime'), one of the many new additions T.K. gave me was a replica of the Extra Skill: Multi-Dimensional barrier.

This barrier envelops the user's body in spatial dimensions by manipulating space and time all around them, nullifying all kinds of attacks (space-severing and time-severing attacks included). It provides an absolute defense against any and all physical and elemental phenomena with even emission-type attacks vanishing into thin fucking air upon hitting it.

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