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Kenny, Timmy, and I stare down ManBearPig who is on the opposite side of the ruined street we're on. We applied all the power-up abilities we could on ourselves before engaging him so we're ready to rumble.

"Tch... You got me trapped in a chain... But a chain is only as strong as its weakest link!" The demon rushes past Kenny and I in an instant and prepares to cut Timmy into pieces but several pillars of lava and Zarganor milk that erupt in front of him prevent that from happening.

(("Don't judge a book by it's cover.")) Timmy broadcasts to us all.

He then teleports behind the demon before pelting him with psychic blasts and laser beams from his chair to stun him for a bit while Kenny and I summon a bone hand on each of our arms to send him flying again.

The demon notices this and grabs both of our attacks before slamming us into the ground. He smirks at this but quickly steps back after as my scepter comes flying out of the ground and nearly impales him through the face.

I use bone hands and Power Binds to keep him in place while he's stunned and then use Time Pause as I get behind him to cut his head off but he breaks free again and ducks as I swipe the now empty spot in front of me. He then backhands me which sends me flying back and uses Wall of Hellfire to distract us for a bit by spreading the attack's AOE out to cover all of South Park.

(("I'll prevent the meteors from destroying the town, you two go after him!")) Timmy shouts into our minds and we do so with Kenny getting to him first using a Dark Whisper to boost himself forward and pull the demon hybrid towards him.

He also summons a Soul Slash to slice him up with but the demon coats his left hand in red flames from a Pentakill spell, blocking it and using his right hand to slash Kenny in the face, sending him flying back.

I don't lose focus for a second as I know Kenny can just kill himself and respawn in a few seconds while he's a Nazi Zombie and prepare another Time Pause but a Power Bind around my hand stops me from charging it.

The demon then pulls me forward with the chains and I cover my face and vitals with bone hands as I see a satanic pentagram being formed. The fucker defies my expectations as he pulls me above him with me now facing the sky as the chimera slashes my lower half with his claws. I instantly feel a wave of pain on my lower body as I break free and punch him away.

I use my times 5 combo healing spell on myself through my scepter which gets rid of the damage but I still feel some pain on my backside. I cast Dire Shroud on myself again to heal the remaining damage and charge back towards him as he's fighting a fully healed Kenny. Looks like he killed himself and respawned back there.

I see him about to swipe at Kenny and I use a Time Glitch to stop his attack but find that I can't. I go for a [Soul Slash x Pentakill] combo attack instead to blast the demon away which does work.

'Damn, he must have aimed for my ass back there. Whatever, I can heal it easily enough. I use another few healing abilities of mine but find that the pain is still there.

"What's wrong, dude?" Kenny asks concerned.

"It's my time farts. I can't use them all of a sudden no matter how much I heal!" I try using the basic ones like Dragon Shout and Cup-A-Spell but no luck.

"That won't be going away no matter how much you heal it. Not even 'Satanic Seal' will help!" ManBearPig interrupts.

(("What have you done, ManBearPig?")) Good question, what the fuck did he just do?

"You really think I didn't learn my lesson from last time? Those time warping powers of yours are too troublesome to ignore and they just so happen to have a critical flaw.

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