Answering The Call

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?????'s POV:


These thoughts keep plaguing my head as I listen to the inauguration speech.

I kept training. I kept waiting. I trusted his words, and yet he's not the one who came to get me.

No... it was these guys.

"Congrats on finishing your basic training, cadets. You are now hereby the newest members of the Time Patrollers!" Me and the other new patrollers celebrate the completion of our training, but I'm pretty sure that I'm celebrating for a much different reason than my peers.

And that's because of a single text I got through my phone.


T.K: You are looking to help free the Dovahkiin who helped you, correct?

It was like the voices plaguing my head vanished at that moment. That I could think clearly for the first time in ages.

Dovah never came back because of them. They took him despite all the good he was trying to do.

I wanted to help him like he helped me. I wanted to get him out no matter what it took, even if it meant burning this organization to the ground.

I was angry, furious even, at them, myself, and eventually, even Dovah.


T.K: the mental protection given to you doubled as a brainwashing tool. It took a while to crack, but I freed you from its influence as well as disguising the feedback as to not alert the telepath responsible. You're welcome.

I remember asking to join them when they came to investigate Dovah's spacetime hopping, and they reluctantly accepted with suspicion fading overtime.

If this 'T.K.' is right, then that telepath is probably why.

I didn't do anything suspicious. I genuinely wanted to help people... and yet they still did that.

I went from wanting to help Dovah to wanting to help stop people like Dovah. I didn't even realize this gradual change until now, and even then, that seems to only be because of this 'T.K.'.

It was subtle, sure, and more of a slight influence then complete brainwashing, but the point still stands.

Even now, I can't even get close to the prison area, so I'll just have to rise through the ranks until I have a chance to break Dovah out. That was my plan.

I have no idea how that's going to work, but it's better than nothing, right?

Now as for this guy...

Who is he and why is he helping me?


Wendy: Who is this?

T.K: I am the Trapper Keeper currently merged with the Dovahkiin you wish to free. I have managed to fool the Time Patrollers into thinking I am shut down and have been looking for ways to free my host/master/partner. This has been fruitless however so I must request your assistance.

'Trapper Keeper? Wasn't that the thing that nearly took over the world Terminator style with Cartman? Dovah merged with one? '

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