And The Transcendent's Return

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Before we begin, I have some more fanart (although it's really more of a gif) from The_REAL_Dan_Mandel of Zenon's evolution throughout the course of this story in a nutshell.

Just click the External Link at the bottom of the chapter if you want to view it.

Also, I'll be going on a week-long hiatus before starting the second half of this latest arc. As for what to expect for the rest of this arc, organizations are going to fall, important people are going to die, and Dovah is going to take on his own personal Boss Blitz.

But for now, it's time to announce the latter's return to center stage.


?????'s POV:

A heavy gust of wind blows away the Dark Angel's remaining feathers. Several lasers then burn through more of her shadows, annihilating them before she even has the chance to reapply her spell.

She can still only use it a couple times a day. She's also used them all up already.

Even if she didn't, her opponent won't give her the chance to repair even a single shadow.

"Unlike your so-called partners, you seem to be having second thoughts about this despite being the one to put all this bullshit into motion, Dark Angel." Zephyrus, the 2nd highest ranked (and coincidently, the second strongest as well) Exalted Agent growls as he slowly descends, bending the air all around him to his will.

He is the "Human Kite" of the same timeline the "Toolshed" who the patrol ranked 5th is from. Well, technically 4th now after the Seraphim's death, but the Time Patrol is in no mood to announce updates ranking after the deaths of so many agents.

In their timeline, the South Parkers became superheroes way back in early 1998 or 'Season 1' as Dovah calls that point in time. They also took hero work far more seriously than most other versions of them do; how else would they be able to gain such power and nearly achieve world peace in their own timeline?

Add in a few subsidiary groups like the canon 'Super Best Friends' plus the support the Time Patrol provides them with in exchange for their services and you get one of the most thriving timelines in the multiverse.

As for this Kyle's costume, it is a far cry from the original human kite with the light blue bodysuit and strapped on kite being replaced by a dark blue vest/hoodie with a small kite logo at the center of the neck collar and several red strands attached at the bottom of it.

A dark gray t-shirt is below that and his pants are a similar color with blue gloves and dark gray shoulder length gloves covering most of his arms and red bands are fastened right where his elbows are.

Also present are dark blue boots with dark gray toe caps and red stripes swirling around them and the giant kite on the original's back being replaced by two long, red coattails that flutter across either side of him. His ginger hair droops down past the dark blue and black headband he has on and covers part of his face, completing the vastly different Kyle iteration's superhero look.

Most of this particular group of South Parkers achieved their powers through a variety of genetic experimentations or Imaginationland when it became available to them. There were other methods as well with some (like Toolshed) even using technology to make up for a lack of natural powers to great effect.

In their timeline, Kyle chose the hero name Zephyrus with inspiration for it coming from a Greek god of the wind. It sounds much more intimidating and much more thought was put into it then Kyles who chose the name 'Human Kite'; such factors can also be applied to differentiating this Kyle from most other variations of him out there in general.

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