Morgan Freeman Explains... Time Patrol and The Crossover Wars

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Dov̶̢͇̐̌̕ā̸̛͓̖ĥ̸̡̨̺'̵̮́͑s̷͔̿̉͝-̵̙̺͋̽̕ ̵͙͊ Morgan Freeman's POV:

Hello, my fellow observers, readers, watchers, or whatever you like to call yourselves.

Yes, I can see you because as previously established, I am Morgan Freeman.

Anyway, right now we will be taking a break from witnessing Dovah's regularly scheduled hijinks to do some more world building in this cartoonish reality I orchestrated Dovah's transmigration to.

As for why I'm explaining this to you all... I want another freckle. The show this story revolves around at least got that part about me right.

The main topic for discussion will be one of the latest major multiversal organizations that have popped up in this particular reality: The Time Patrol.

This organization started out as just another small time travel company, of which there are many that form around the multiverse, seeing as how this particular event is part of baseline or 'canon' as you fans call it.

However, a small choice change from this company's CEO allowed it to keep existing, starting a butterfly effect and allowing it to grow into what can be classified as a Type 5 Civilization on the Kardashev scale many years later, the behemoth of an organization it is today.

There were many other decisions made afterwards that let it flourish, decisions and plans that allowed some real power to form behind this movement, but a single small change at the end of an early canon episode is what truly started it all.

Such success was beyond the CEO's expectations and this organization's use has long since run out, but they're were still gains to be had so its CEO kept up the charade as his company grew bigger and more corrupt.

At the Time Patrol's peak, over 4,500 timelines were colonized by this organization. Granted, most timelines only have Time Patrol outposts or settlements on either a few planets or one alternate dimension like Hell, Heaven, or R'lyeh with less than a tenth of these timelines being well and truly 'taken over' by the company, but the point still stands.

Said truly 'taken over' timelines are usually the kind of timelines where facilities are built to monitor small sectors of the multiverse around them.

These 'Sector HQs' as the patrol calls them are among the most well-defended places in the multiverse. They are also home to most of the lesser prisons that T.K. launched quick raids on while freeing Dovah in order to sow up some more chaos to buy a newly-freed Dovah some time for his own plans to bear fruit.

(A/N: Chp 120-121 "The Final Nail Part 1-2")

This company was designed to monopolize the concept of spacetime travel, forcing any other time travelers to either join them or stop doing so. It would also handle anomalies discovered and befriend certain groups of people native to those timelines in the process, boosting their forces.

The actual number of patrollers at its peak is around 250,000, which may not seem like much considering that this is an organization that is supposed to govern the entire multiverse, but even the weakest agents have enough firepower, whether it's in the form of physical power, accessories like technology, or both, to destroy a small country.

Then there's the higher-ranked members, a good handful of which are capable of practically soloing the combined forces of most normal Earths (think regular governments, groups like GSM and LOD, and so on) much like Dovah did during the Nahkriin War.

Besides that, there are several million non-combative employees, far more robots and drones to aid in combat, defense, logistical tasks, and so on, and countless alliances and treaties with governing bodies present in most timelines like Federation of Planets and the dimension of Heaven. It also has similar alliances with many versions of independent planets like the Visitors' homeworld, Plymouth, Fognl, Indi, Marklar, and so on.

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