The First Final Battle Part 3

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"Fuck! He's a nazi zombie now!"

The remaining survivors are staring at Kenny in horror as the undead princess glares at us. Stan is the first to snap out of it and charges at Kenny but his sword is blocked by a scythe summoned by the newest undead. He then spins around and roundhouse kicks Stan across the room, knocking him out cold.

"STAN!" Kyle runs over as Jimmy gets his horn out only for a bone hand to sprout out of the ground below and smash it to bits. Kenny then sends a wave of zombie vomit towards the bard, blasting him back.

Snapping out of shock myself, I immediately prepare a dragon shout to end Kenny but a bone hand comes out from the ground, punching me right in the ass which sends me flying. I crash through the roof of the throne room and land in the shop between it and the balcony.

"Welcome weary adventurer! Can I interest you in some of my wares?"

"*cough cough* Kind of busy at the moment, ugh, fuck that hurts! How did he even get infected? Did the vial of goo break when he fell off the ledge?... Well? Care to explain?"



Despite my shouting, Freeman never comes which pisses me off to no end since I want to know why the hell he sent me here to begin with. I hear some screams coming from the throne room and decide to just track him down later since I have an undead princess to put down.

Kenny walks out of the throne room's exit and heads towards me as I turn around and fart right at his balls. Or at least try to.

'Ummm, what? Why is nothing coming out?'

I continue trying despite my ass hurting like hell but nothing's coming out.

'What the fuck? Did that last hit fracture my butthole or something?... Oh. Oh shit.'

I then realize just what I'm up against. This isn't just a Nazi Zombie Princess Kenny with Netherborn powers, this is a Kenny who was told his one weakness by yours truly. He knows how this game is supposed to end and now he's hellbent on ensuring that doesn't happen at all costs.

I immediately use a dire shroud on myself and then dark whisper to grab the case of weapons by the shop to fling them at Kenny which ends up impaling him all over his body. He falls over only to get back up a few seconds later and sends me back with a rainbow beam attack, breaking dire shroud in the process.

I land on the balcony where the fight with him in canon took place and use dire shroud again, trying to heal the fracture ASAP but another bone hand is made below me which sends me flying up only for Kenny to kick me back down.

He then charges at me, giving me no space to breathe as I get beat up left, right, and center.

'Fuck, this isn't good. He is way above me in terms of skill and the goo made him more powerful than ever. His immortality is also cranked up to 11 from the transformation. I never thought I would have to deal with this after getting Kenny to my side. How could I have been so stupid?! If I lose here, forget South Park, the entire world is fucked!'

Enough is enough. I go all out and power up into Grim Fate, pushing Kenny back with a barrage of punches and kicks coated in light blue flames before blasting him back with a soul slash only for him to respond in kind with his aura turning a lighter shade of green and his power skyrocketing as screams echo around him.

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