The World Better Prepare, For Now I am a Billionaire

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"2.3 BILLION?!? WITH A B???"

"Followed by an -illion." Kenny is gobsmacked as I tell him the funds Timmy just got us.

Remember Handicar? Yeah, this is one of the reasons I wanted to get Timmy as an ally. Kenny's suggestion just sealed the deal for me. I had Timmy do the same things as in canon until the end of the episode where instead of giving 2.3 Billion to his summer camp, he gave 2.3 Million which is still more than enough for them.

The summer camp stays open and we get 99.9% of the money so it's a win-win. I also may have had a little extra fun this episode by leading the Handicar charge against Nathan during the Wacky Races. TIIIIMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!

Whoever said "Money can't buy happiness." is an idiot. Forget happiness, we can buy whatever we want now with a bank account that even makes Tolkien's family look poor. Of course, we can't just spend money like there's no tomorrow since that would bring way too much attention to ourselves and I don't want to deal with the entire town's homeless population coming after me. I also don't want Leslie and/or Cartman getting any ideas.

We need to be discreet for now with so many eyes on us. It's annoying but not the worst thing in the world. Kenny, Timmy, and I actually went to Casa Bonita to celebrate and it's just as awesome as the show and DLC makes it out to be.

As for the first few episodes of season 18, they didn't really require me to do much. Team Stan still made their start up company in "Go Fund Yourself" which eventually fell flat. They then made up for it through the party while every adult in town was flipping out about gluten in "Gluten Free Ebola".

These first few episodes actually helped support one of my main theories involving this world, the episodes featured here happen either on or close to their release dates just like how Stick of Truth in this world began the day the game was released in my old reality.

Of course, not every episode is like this. While I can't confirm it without seeing it, I know that some episodes take place in the span of longer than a week or however much time passes until the next episode is released in my old reality. If that were the case, then are all the other episodes following it in that season pushed back or only the episodes directly affected by this scenario with the following episodes that same season happening on their regular release dates?

There are also the two and three part episodes throughout the show to consider. Now obviously, these multi-episode plots aren't separated by a week in this world. Look at episodes 200 and 201 for example. 201 starts right where 200 left off yet the episode 201 was released a week after episode 200.

I would assume this has no impact on the episodes afterwards and that "Crippled Summer', the episode after 201, would happen 2 weeks after the start of episode 200 since that's when the episode was released in my old world.

The main point is while there are some outliers present, events from both the regular show and the games starting at Stick of Truth will happen in this world either when or close to when they were released in my old world.

Side note, I already checked to see if any of the South Park games before Stick of Truth happened here so Tenorman's Revenge, South Park Let's Go Tower Defense, and the other early ones, but neither Kenny nor Timmy remember any of them happening here so I guess the only games happening in this world are SOT, TFBW, and maybe Phone Destroyer.

Of course, this is before any tampering done by me here comes into play since things like the ads showing up far earlier have nothing to do with my previous explanation. The ads came because of my presence here, or rather New Kid's presence in this world as that kid was never present during the regular episodes, only the games.

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