Tenorman's Revenge Finale - Operation Brobot

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The five of us appear at the Chili Con Carnival through another time portal with tired but determined looks on our faces. I have more energy than ever now, but I'm still mentally worn out from all this nonstop fighting. At least it's finally ending here.

I take out my remaining weapon, the crab king's scepter, and use it to heal and boost everyone before we head into the carnival.

Let's fucking finish this, you ginger asshole!

"Come one, come all, to the greatest spectacle in history! Witness the struggle of man versus scientific abomination!" Tenorman announces and the ground starts to shake as the iconic carnival background music continues to play.

"What is this crap?"

"Welcome to my Chili Con Carnival!" The doors are sealed and even more gingerbots are summoned which the 5 of us beat up again like all the others that stood in our way. Some of Mephesto's experiments are next, but they meet the same fate.

I don't even bother having T.K. merge with them and just use my crab claw scepter to literally tear them apart. The others still have their superhero gear with Toolshed even having an upgraded arsenal (that he uses to the fullest per my suggestions) so they're fine for now.

More gingerbots and many-assed animals continue pouring in and we defeat wave after wave of them with all of us getting as pissed off as Tenorman is right now. I'm this close to just busting down the door myself when someone else does that for me from the other side. It isn't anyone in Team Stan though.

Prototype Z-1 in his human disguise form walks in with a look on his face that rivals Tweek when he's 2 seconds away from having a nervous breakdown.

He has messy black hair which is covered up by a chullo hat (the same kind of hat Craig wears only black instead of blue), a dark gray jacket with the same bright red, diamond-shaped print he has in his robot form, only moved over towards where his heart would be if he were actually human, and some black pants and shoes.

Unlike the other gingerbots who have human disguises, this guy looks like a quote unquote 'normal' kid instead of a ginger kid with red hair, pale skin, and tons of freckles. This disguise also won't be destroyed after one swing of a baseball bat or one well-timed jump from a South Parker like they're goombas or something.

Instead, if the fan series I mentioned before is anything to go by, then this disguise form has a time limit which automatically recharges once depleted.

How long it is, I don't know, but he'll be free from Tenorman's control by the time it runs out. That's a promise.

"Uhhh, are you guys okay? I heard lots of noise coming from here so I figured I should investigate. Are you guys after Scott Tenorman too?"

"Yeah, are you another time child or something."

"Time child? Umm, I don't think so. I'm just here looking for my friends. I'm Zenon by the way."

Very clever, Tenorman. Unfortunately for you, I saw a South Park fan series that involves you pretty much doing the same thing (only under slightly different circumstances), and even if I didn't, T.K. would pick up on the fact that this guy is an android instantly with his scanners. His human form even looks the same as his OC counterpart in my old reality!

"No, NO! Why are all my enemies showing up now? No matter, none of you will leave this carnival alive!" And Tenorman now does his best to convince them to trust Zenon by playing the 'enemy of my enemy' card. A good strategy if you think about it; too bad it's being played against the worst possible opponent he can have.

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