Red Herring

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Dovah's POV:

"Your dark angel isn't here right now... Please go away." Red mumbles while covering herself not only with her (my) hoodie, but also her large, black, feathery wings.

Unprovoked, conniving, manipulative and unparalleled evil... reduced to this.

Man, I'm good.

(("Not in the moral sense, you're not.")) Wow, really? Who would've guessed?

She's been like this ever since I revealed that surprise: I'm not dead. She's probably feeling a little betrayed right now since her precious partner Dii went off and did something without her knowledge or consent.

Along with everything else that's happened to her lately from her time in T.P. jail to her plans all being torn apart by the Changeling's incompetence (plus the copycat's own descent into madness) to simply everything falling apart around her as Young Freeman and I shattered her worldview with our displays of power, it seems like the small bit of sanity she had left finally broke.

Too much stress. Too much hatred. Too many demons of the past unleashed again. It was inevitable that she mentally broke eventually.

It's not like she was very well-adjusted to begin with. If she was, then she wouldn't be a genocidal, psychotic supervillain, now would she?

And now I'm going to build her mentality back up to fully revolve around me, just like how she planned to do the same and have my life revolve around her.

Looks like I won our little game of Tug-a-War, Rebecca, and now I'm gonna use the rope we played with to fucking hang you.

"I'm sorry, honey. I just needed to spend a little bit of time preparing. You know what the patrollers and terrors did to us, I just wanted to make sure we won this war." I apologize sweetly to the evil bitch of a variant of my favorite South Park girl.

"...We could have done it together." She whispers in disagreement as I gently stroke her wings.

"We got betrayed and arrested when we tried that, baby. If it wasn't for my little power-leveling session, we would have been locked up again or killed by Freeman Junior. I barely managed to beat him as is, and besides, you hated being caged up there, right?"


Now you're probably wondering why I don't just get rid of her here and now. No, this isn't another Leslie situation. As I said before, she still has her uses.

I know she will probably build some dark multiversal empire now, which, as a 'radical libertarian' (I'm still basically an anarchist, T.K!), I find philosophically horrifying and oppose the very concept of, but I'm looking at the bigger picture here.

I still need to grow and I can't let there be any distractions. Because of this, I'll be letting the dark angel bask in the sunlight for a while, keeping all the attention on her while I do my own thing instead of just feeding her to the Lotgral. Also, allowing her to have eyes and ears everywhere will help me with finding more opportunities to grow for both myself and my sisters.

And once my sisters are ready to take over the spotlight and the multiverse is sufficiently pissed off at its ruling bodies enough, I'll have them take down the Dark Angel's evil empire, saving the world while convincing them to ensure that no other tyrants rise up in any shape or form unless they want a repeat of the Dark Angel's tyranny.

It's a win-win-win!

But that comes later. Right now, I need this angel to ascend to multiversal dictatorship.

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