Bonus Chapter #1 - All Current Forms and Powers + Intermission

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And so ends what was supposed to be the finale for the first book. This last arc really gave off 'finale' vibes, didn't it? Well, at least it did until these last few chapters.

Remember when I talked about how Karen came 'this' close to rising up and becoming the big bad herself due to both her personality and what she's been through during her life a few chapters ago?

Well, Butters is in the exact same boat as her, only he has much less reservations about betraying Dovah and the others then Karen does in order to do what he believes is best for everyone. He even did it before (albeit with far less of an impact on others) when he first became Professor Chaos in Season 6.

After some revisions to the overall story over the last few months, I decided to have what was originally planned to be the first few books/fics of this series be compressed into one super long story and debate whether or not to create another super long sequel later on with what's left.

The first part of this story was Breaking South Park: New Kid addition. The second part will be Breaking South Park: Multiverse Addition where Dovah goes on to explore everything this reality has to offer.

In what should be the second half of this story, spacetime travel will be abundant throughout, episodes, games, and more South Park content featured over the (at the time this is being written) almost 3 decades will be featured, various alternate universes and what-ifs will be explored (meaning what if so-and-so episode/game/movie ended differently), and plenty of other powers will be collected by Dovah in order to one day (hopefully) save his timeline from a batshit crazy Butters.

Now as for why things progressed this way: Simply put, it was always planned for Dovah's actions to eventually come back to bite him with everything going to shit as a result. After all, everything going to shit and Dovah being forced to time travel was the only way Dovah was ever going to time travel here.

As stated earlier, there are waaay too many risks involved with using the spacetime warping ability the New Kid uses to travel through different timelines with in canon with the main one being actually getting back would be almost impossible (New Kid has to 'believe in themself' to get back in TFBW and the place they end up at may not even be the timeline they started in to begin with). Dovah wouldn't risk never being able to return to his timeline in order to explore others.

Dovah could also try building a time travel machine himself as multiple have been built throughout the series but most ended up backfiring and all the risks are still there so Dovah wouldn't try that either unless absolutely necessary.

As for why I'm having Dovah time travel in the first place (and at this point in time for that matter), there's nothing else to really write about in terms of canon otherwise. Most of Season 23 and on doesn't happen due to all the changes Dovah made up to this point so things would get very boring after ManBearPig and the Nahkriin war since the majority of the antagonists and problems have been dealt with already.

Yes, I could have given them a good ending but this kind of story has so much more potential then that. New Kid arrives in South Park between Seasons 17 and 18 after all. Barely a fraction of the current South Park content has been covered as of now.

As for why I didn't have the isekai'd main character appear in, say, season 1 of the show, things would have simply been derailed too quickly, meaning most of the series wouldn't happen to begin with. It's like what happened in this story so far, only on a greater scale, leading to less canon content being covered.

I wanted there to be plenty of canon events throughout but I also wanted this story to be more than a retelling of canon episodes with one extra character in the background. This story is about a person coming in and trying to purposefully change the events of canon episodes to get a better outcome and I want the main character's actions to reflect that.

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