Stepping Into Godhood

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Dovah's POV:

When it comes to dealing with me, the best piece of advice I can give is just assume that I know everything, even when I shouldn't.

Especially when I shouldn't.

"You guys ready?"

"Ready when you are, Dii!" Dark Angel Red cheers, believing me to really be 'Dii' or 'hers' and completely ignorant to all the shit she's been up to.

"Let's do this!" Wendy follows up, ready to take this latest battlefield by storm to satisfy her growing desire for power.

I'll deal with both issues eventually, but for now, I see no reason to not get a bit of use out of them. Just call it returning on my investment.

Our entire army arrives in the R'lyeh of a timeline before the Coon trilogy in season 14 took place. I want to make sure this Cthulhu is at his best as I'll be using him to take my first step into divinity.

This means that I can't simply kick his ass when he arrives on Earth as he was weak enough for fucking Bradley to beat up back then. When I absorb something using T.K, I only get whatever energy and powers are available to it at the time.

Absorbing that Cthulhu wouldn't grant me his full godly power so that would be pointless. It's not even worth using that version of him as a stepping stone since he's so weak. However, there is a plus side to this. I don't have the same limits on Earth that people like Satan and Cthulhu do so I can use my full power wherever and whenever I wish no matter who or what I absorb.

I stare at the army I now have with Dark Angel Red on my left and the Human-AD Hybrid Wendy on my right and stick my hand out to commence the attack. Cthulhu's dimensional army is then torn to fucking pieces that are then recovered to be used as energy and materials to power the fleet.

Abilities too. The various Trapper Keeper A.I's record them all in a giant ass database and pump out endless robot soldiers of various tiers that possess various classes and the knowledge on how to use the abilities that come with them.

Thank you, Tenorman, for figuring out how to do that with Zenon. You just made my life ten times easier and my robot army a hundred times more overpowered.

(("Rule 128, Dovah.")) I'll leave you to ensure that no reprogramming of them happens in the future, T.K.

"Holy hell, they're like the World Devastators from Star Wars Legends!"

"*cough* Nerd. *cough*"

"I thought you were into that kind of thing? Or are guys like Kevin not your type?"

"They aren't. You are." I roll my eyes while giving her a smirk and look on as the army completely overwhelmes Cthulhu's forces. I can feel Cthulhu's power too and it doesn't feel nearly as vast and endless as it did before. I won't be one-shot like last time, but it still won't be an easy fight; that's for sure.

I was heavily weakened by the months locked up in maximum security time jail, but absorbing that Kenny helped me get my strength back and then some. He should have completely overwhelmed me in the state I was in, but my new variation of magic flames fixed that.

(("It's like when Kenny combines said magic with his Nazi Zombie form. Variations of Satanic magic such as the Dark Angel's power and Geldon's power can be a little tricky, but they follow the same concept. I just hope all this alteration won't come back to bite us."))

'Oh, the utter irony of you saying that.'

(("I consider it to be warranted due to the circumstances surrounding it.")) I'll be fine, T.K. Trust me.

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