Nahkriin War Part 4 - Buildup

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Karen's POV:

"START THE CAR! START THE CAR! GOGOGOGOGOGO!!!" I scream at Tricia as I chuck the supplies into the trunk of our stolen car and dive into the open window.

Tricia floors it and while she puts a Dire Shroud around the car, I hurl a bunch of Soul Slashes at the army vehicles to prevent them from chasing us.

It's been a few weeks since this shitshow started and Tricia and I have been gathering materials for the goths to experiment with and hopefully get an Elder God summoning ritual going soon.

There have been a few close calls like what we just had 30 seconds ago but we always manage to get away despite a rapidly increasing number of what I'm now calling 'pseudo-netherborns' trying to stop us.

At least the majority of their forces in South Park are still trying to break into DOTM's secret base. Memberboss is either really stupid or really stubborn because 3 of their regiments (consisting of around 10k soldiers plus hundreds of land and air vehicles each) have been practically wiped out trying to bust in so far and their fourth one currently isn't doing much better.

They tried firing a nuke at it too a few days ago. It was disabled and shot down before it could detonate and even if it did, the explosion would only destroy part of the mountain around the base, not the base itself. Timmy was very thorough when making this place.

The pseudo-netherborns can distract the Danger Deck holograms for a little bit now but are still incredibly outmatched when it comes to quality with quantity not bridging the gap at all. At least that battle is still going well.

Only issue with that is we can't exactly get back in without being spotted by all the troops surrounding the place. We've been hiding out with the goths since we first left and didn't realize this would become a problem back then and didn't bring any portal guns as a result so we can't get back into Imaginationland to get the supplies we need. Oopsie.

In our defense, we're still pretty new at saving the world ourselves and we can still get the stuff the goths need in this dimension via the raids we're doing right now.

Despite that slip-up Tricia and I are still staying strong throughout all of this. We've made some mistakes but are still making lots of progress. We don't need to rely on Dovah and Kenny to do this anymore; we can save the day now too. Dovah, Kenny, and... and Timmy all made sure of that.

As for Dovah and Cartman, their rampage is only getting worse as they basically steamrolled through Vatican City over the course of a few days with their growing army.

I remember watching Dovah tear three of the Queen Spider's legs off while 4 Mecha Minion Chaos Supremes blasted her apart with missiles and balls of lava live on TV. It was also actual lava this time instead of super hot lego bricks. I have no clue how Butters managed to incorporate that into the mechs made up of humans and tinfoil but that's the least of my worries right now.

Practically every member of Christian authority is dead and Chaos Minions numbering in the tens of thousands along with hundreds of Mecha Minion Chaos Supremes are burning Vatican City to the fucking ground. And that's not even counting the regular guerrilla soldiers.

Jesus came too by the way. He got his head smashed to bits by Butters' hammer after the blond broke the five-bladed throwing star the religious icon used to kill the last Pope with.

(A/N: That happened in Season 11's "Fantastic Easter Special")

With those guys dealt with, Nahkriin is now attacking both the Ginger Separatist Movement and the Legion of Doom.

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