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"Hunter are u sure about this" I said

"Yessssssss- no" Hunter said

"Hunter." I said and rubbed his back

He looked out the window and shook his head.

"I'm sorry " he said

"No Hunter it's okay" I said driving back home

We got home and everyone was awake, including the kids.

"Guys" I said

"I told them to sleep but they wouldn't listen" Tate said

"I'd be okay " Callie asked

"I'm fine " Hunter said

"Wait where's my gun and badge and talkie ?" He asked

"It's in the office" Tate said

"Oh thanks" Hunter said

"Hunter take one now , I'm keeping it in here, and your kids better go to sleep" I said

They all nodded and headed up.

Hunter and olive headed up aswell

We all went up and went off to sleep

Hunter pov
I walked up the stairs with olive right behind me

I opened my door and sat down carefully at the edge of my bed.

"Babe" olive said closing my door.

"R u okay?" She asked and I nodded

I used my working hand to take off my sweats and olive helped me into my basketball shorts.

She rubbed some pain relief scream on my shoulder .

The tear wasn't too painful but the pain was still there.

"It said you may want to sleep in a comfortable chair with an arm rest." Olive said

"Idm sleeping downstairs " I said

"Avoid placing pressure on your shoulder. You may want to sleep in a comfortable chair with an armrest or on your back with your arm laying across your body. Use pillows to support your body and create the most comfortable position." Olive said

"What about Indianas body pillow" I asked

"Yea I'll go ask" she said and I nodded

I stayed put and she came up minutes later and Cole also opened the door.

I held my hurt shoulder as olive pulled me up and Cole set the thing under me.

"Ahh that feels nice" I said

Olive kissed my cheek

"Dude go to sleep" I said to Cole who had work in the morning and woke up before all of us but Shay.

"Ur supposed to was up in like almost 4 hours, get ur ass to sleep" olive said

"I need to make sure " he started

"Dude , Cole dw I'm okay. Thank you , I appreciate it." I said

"Alright, but I better not hear yall banging " Cole said and I chuckled lightly so my shoulder wouldn't hurt

Oliver turned my light off and I turned so I was on my non injured side

"Love you" she said

"Love you too" I said kissing her

She leaned over me and switched the lights off


The next morning I fluttered my eyes open and looked beside me , expecting to see olive . She was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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