Greened out

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" Should we wake them up?" I heard a voice say

" nah, leave em." Another said

I felt Tom move and he rubbed his eyes and rubbed my head which was on his lap.

" u best not have done any funny Buissness w my sister Tom" Tate said

" Just like you did with my sister ? And no, she's like my sister. " he said

I yawned and stretched out kicking Brayden off the couch.

" ow!" He said . He tackled me and started punching me. Jokingly ofc.
My head was still on toms lap. So he was in the impact zone .
Brayden was on top on me and I decided the best thing. Fake getting a bad cramp. Then kick his balls.

" WAIT! Brayden stop. " I shouted and I held my stomach and sat up. I was a pretty good actor. And singer according to my brothers.

" what!! R u okay?" He asked and he stood up and there was my chance . I knees him in the balls.  He fell the the floor and groaned.

" CALLIE I SWEAR ON F-" Brayden said before standing up ready to attack.

" LAnguage and , don't knee ur brother in the balls, apologize " Cole said

" I'm sorry Brayden." I said

"I mean he asked for it, that's what you get for messing with a girl on shark week" Indiana chuckled high fiving me.


I walked upstairs and got it from my closet.

" oh tooooommmmm" I sang

" WAIT NO!" He said and jumped up and started running around the house. Ofc. I chased after him until I got a cramp.

I stopped and held my stomach . He stopped.

" I hope this isn't a prank. R u okay" he asked

" Fuck no. This cramp is wooooooo." I said

It took me a couple seconds to get over it. I chased after him.

We ended up in the kitchen again and Cole and Tate tackled him and got him to the couch.

" we did it, so now you have to" Tate said

Cole held his hands down and Indiana and I put the pads for it on his stomach.

Indi took control of the remote and after level 4. He couldn't take it.


Indiana stopped . We took it off of him.

" this is why I'm glad I'm not a girl" he mumbled

" what was that?" Indiana asked

" uhhhh- your skin is glowing?" He said

" Thanks Tommy " she said

We spent the rest of the day relaxing until 2 pm.

Then Cole got a call. From his boss

" Hi Miss Morgan...... No it's okay....... REally!? ........ oh okay........ thank you ." He said

" It was the job promotion " he said

" okay reminder. If you got the job promotion, we have to take shots if not, tate has to smoke a spliff." Brayden said

" soooo.....??" I said

" I GOT IT!!" He said

We all cheered for him. We all hugged him .

" 6 figures!!"  He said

Tate took out a bottle of vodka from the bar. We had solo red mini cup shot glasses.

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