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I got in the car and layed my head on Brayden's shoulders cuz I was so exhausted.

Obviously we did our morning karaoke . Today it was to stir fry by mingos and indi didn't complain abt the vibrations!!!

Max drove . Ew.

We were still kinda mad at each other but what ever.

We arrived at school and got out of the car.

I jumped out the car and I left two hands wrap around me.
Max had lifted my up and EVERYONE WAS STARING.

" MAX PUT ME DOWN!" I said

He shook his head.

"Max kill yourself " I said and tried to wiggle my way out..

He let go and I fell to the ground.

"Love you!" He said and walked to his friends

I looked over and made eye contact with Jake.

Brayden pulled my hand and I walked over to our bench and sat down.

"Hey bitches!!" Rachel said and sat down on our table

Fuck no.

"Bitch." I mumbled

"Likewise..." she said rolling her eyes

"Oh look it's the cow and it's calf"she said laughing at Indiana and me.

"Excuse me?" Indi said rising from the table

"Oh LOOK it's the school slut and her strippers!" I yelled

I laughed and so did Indiana.

" everyone knows anyone who fucks you is really desperate" I said

"That's not what Jake thought."she said and my heart sank.

"He even said I made him cum faster than you ever could." She bragged

What. The fuck.

"At least I'm not a cunt "I said

"At least I'm not whore." She said

"You were probably never raped...., you definitely asked for it." She said
And I wanted to punch her.

"Atleast I haven't slept with 100+ ppl" I said

"No wonder your parents shot themselves. Look at you. They were blinded by your ugliness and couldn't stand you." She said. My heart sank. All the anger. Rage. Built up inside me.

I fisted my hand and punched her cheek.

She slapped me across my face. And living with 4 older brothers...... if someone hits you .... Hit them back

I kept on punching her and she tried to fight back so I pushed her down. Sat ontop Of her and punched her.

"Keep my name... and my families name out of your ...... fu king mouth you desperate attention seeking whore." I said inbetween punches

Her face was black and blue.

I felt hands pull me back and lift me off of her .

" CALLIE!" Brayden said . I was still in my own imagination. All I heard was muffled voices shouting at me. I felt someone shake me.
Which made me snap out of it. I looked down at my hands . There was blood and bruises everywhere.
I noticed my face was wet. My breath shaky

I looked up and saw max looking at me with concern. Same with Brayden.

"ARE YOU EVEN Listening!?"brayden shouted

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