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It was Monday.
Ms. Romes was setting up.
Indianas appointment went well. She was told that the baby may come in the next week or two.

"Ok class. I've been sent your videos, some are on flash drives." She said

"First group up! James!" She said and his group came up

She opened up a link and a video popped up

" remember as I told you before, I am marking the transitions as well as the quality of the video, and I wanted to represent an actual music video" she said

The music started and it a
Was one direction.

"Your insecure-" the song started and I BUS OUT LAUGHING

all of them were dressed with khakis polo
shirts, and had a baseball cap on, but it was backwards

"Oh dear." She said and laughed

After it finished, we will applauded at the end, and the next group went, and then the group after that, and then it was our turn

Tom handed a flash drive to the teacher and she plugged it in.

"Ok" she said and sat in her chair.

I came on and lip synced.

I burried my face in embarrassment in Tom's shoulder and he put his hand on my head

I looked up and it was the scene where Tom , Cole and max pushed me into the pool.

" cause I know we'd be so complicated
We'd be so smitten it's crazy
But I can't have what I want, but neither can you " the lyrics sang

Brayden pushed me in and I swam back up flipping my hair back.

In this part we added me sounding out of breath. No music just me breathing. For 3 seconds.

I was holding myself up on the side.

The chorus went and it was me and Tom , singing . Then Brayden and Indiana

"DAMN!" Someone said as Indiana turned around. She was in a dress so her back was facing us.

Tom looked at them and rolled his eyes.

Tom's part came on. His hand wrapped around Indianas shoulder .

"Damn baby I'm a train wreck too.... I loose my mind when it comes to you, I take time with the ones I choose but I don't want to smile if it ain't from you yuh" he lip synced

Then Videos from home that he took of me spinning around in a tube top and sweats. Then Hunter pulled by and I was over his shoulder.
I heard some whispers going around at that moment

Then another video with Indiana and Tate dancing. They were parrellel holding hands playfully. He spun her and kissed her and I heard gasps

"OH MY GOD" people said and I felt stares.

Everyone clapped

"I've made my decision." She said

"This video had the best transitions, the idea was very cute, and I loved it, and the song was amazing one of my personal favorites"

"BOYDFRIEND!" She said and me and Tom and Brayden yelled

"Meaning, you'll be going to the Harquail performance " she said

People looked at me like I was crazy.

The whispers spread like wildfire.

"See you all on Wednesday!" She said

And with that we went home.

Max left on Saturday....
That day last week when he came home he was quite upset

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