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Callie pov

I looked at the time.


I got out of bed and quickly made it.

By the time Hunter came back downstairs..... I was fast asleep and idk how I ended up in my bed.

I went down the stairs and sat on the sofa.

"Morning " Cole said who was on the sofa . And he wrapped his arms around my shoulders

I looked at the sofa and Brayden was asleep on the couch aswell as tom .

"Ew" Indiana said looking at Tom

"He looks like a baby when he sleeps" I said

"NO you like a baby when you sleep" I said

"No I do not!" Indiana huffed

"Shay!" I said and she took out her phone

She searched through her photos

"Wait" Shay said and stood infront of Tom and Brayden and took a 0.5 of the both of them. And we laughed sooo hard

Tom groaned and turned his head.

Indiana slapped the back of his neck and he immediately sat up

"Indiana if u weren't fucking pregnant ... I would kick you so hard" he said

"Didnt mom and dad teach you to not hit women" Indiana said

"Hitting is different to kicking" Tom said

"Wait" I said and sat on Brayden's back

"Mmmm ... Callie ... get off" he said and groaned

I bounced up and down on his back

"Ew put a shirt on" I said looking at his back.

His hands were by his head and he moved them swiftly and started tickling me.

"BRAYDEN!" I screamed and laughed

"I - CANT- BR-BREATH" I said inbetween laughs

He had me stuck cuz he held my waist.

"okay okay... Callie go get ready .... And you too Brayden." Cole said

He stopped ticking me and I finally got up and so did he.

"I CALL SHOWER!" I said and ran up

"BITCH NO U DONT " he said and ran after me

I felt two hands on my waist pull me back and throw me back and I was on the very last step. Thank god my hand was on the railing still.

"BRAYDEN!" I screamed as I felt my body fall back.

My one hand was on the rail and it was like my body was going down the stairs... backwards.

"COLE IM GONNA FALL!" I shouted as my hand slowly slip.

I felt two large arms pick me up and put me upright.

"Thanks coco" I said

"Use my bathroom " he said

"REALLY!?" I said excitedly
And he nodded

He has the BEST shower and the biggest.
I threw my arms around him and hugged him

"THANK YOU" I said and ran up

I went outside the other bathroom

"I GET TO USE COLES SHIWER FUCKFACE" I shouted at him and got my clothes and headed to his bathroom.

Older Brothers am i right?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt