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It's been 2 weeks since that.
My ground was over . And I decided to focus on myself more. I started to work out more and me n Jake haven't talked for those 2 weeks.
I decided to focus on me. Myself and I.

I woke up the next morning very early.5.00. And worked out. Brayden joined me and we did it together.
At 5.45 I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for school. Brush my teeth wash my face.
I went downstairs to eat and max was cooking pancakes. And I was in a jolly mood because it was the CHRISTMAS SEASON!!!!!
I was so happy.
Then Cole came downstairs, with Shay .
"Shayyyy!!!" I said as I hugged her
" Morning!" She responded
" I need to talk yo u Cals" she said
I said ok and she took me to me room and sat down.
" hey ur 15 right?" She asked
" yea" I said
"Ur brothers told me something. And I am gonna ask you something. Have u gotten ur period?" She asks
" no why?" I ask
" uh , ok. Well love, it's really rare to get your period late. Like not normal. But I think you will be soon."
" ok.." I said
" you'll get it soon. Not to worry " she says as she takes me downstairs.
She pulls Cole aside and talks to him.
Then comes up to me
" if u get it and are too scared to tell ur brothers. Text or call me." She said before leaving.
" I will"I say

We head to school and Oh.did I mention.
Max and Brayden both have girls.
Max is dating Bianca and Brayden is dating Lola.
See I had a bf but my stupid brothers said I can NEVER have a bf. Unbelievable. Tate is quite the player so no wonder he doesn't have a gf.
I went to school and it was great! English we played jeopardy, Home Ec. We had a baking competition and math , was math.
Anyway I got home and layed down. I was so happy school ended in 2 days.
In the Lord family tradition. We put all our names in a hat and picked.
It went oldest to youngest and ofc. I was always last. I got ........ Max!!
I always knew what to get people. And since max wanted to become a nurse or doctor..... I wanted to order him SCRUBS.( the things doctors wear) except it would have his name on it and footballs.
I went upstairs and immediately searched online. I FInally found one!! And ordered. It said it would be here in 2 days. So when school ends . Great!
I fell asleep and woke up. It was 7:30pm. I was asleep for 3hrs! Wow.
I was in a really good mood when I woke up. I put on my headphones and put them on noise cancellation. I was wearing Nike pros and a sports bra and I had a necklace on and my hair in a messy bun.

Like thisI blasted music in my headphones

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Like this
I blasted music in my headphones.
I had - when I was your man playing .
I came down stairs to get food and I was singing the lyrics a little loud .
" NOW MY BABY IS DANCING, but she's dancing with another man.... Although it hurts. I'll be the first to say that I was wrong. Oh, i know I'm probably much to wait to try and for my mistakes. But I just want you to know. I hope she buys you flowers-" I sang.
" who knew she could sing?" Brayden said
I could hear the cat call whistles .
And my brothers shushing them and hitting them on the head
Oh no. I turned around to see ALL of my brothers friends and Brayden's friends, who are also in my class.
They all started clapping. I saw my brothers get up. I knew immediately it was my clothes . I put my Oreos down and ran to the front.
" We gotta chase her. Give us a sec" Tate said.
I ran for the hills. Driveway . Backyard. I was running into the tree house when I felt someone pulled my bra strap. Ow. I hit my head really hard. I open my eyes to see all four brothers standing around me. I pretty sure I passed out cuz I woke up in my bed
Cole POV.
Brayden pulled Callie down and she fell head first. I knew she would be fine cuz her sports injuries were worse.
I put her on my shoulders and brang her inside.
" is she good?" Trevor said
" yea she just hit her head and passed out. She'll be fine." I said
I layed her in the floor. And lifted her feet up.
" u know the drill" I said
Tate got the water and poured it onto the forehead.
Max held her nose to make sure she didn't inhale the water
And Brayden got towels .
Everyone watched in amazement.
We heard he cough so we sat her up and Brayden slapped her back.
She coughed and woke up.
Everyone applauded us and it was hilarious.
Callie's pov.
I woke up to my face wet and people clapping.
" what the hell?" I said coughing .
" go change, and we'll explain " Cole said
I went upstairs and changed my top to an oversized shirt.
I ran back downstairs and I looked in the mirror to see that I have a huge cut on my head. Max had the first aid kit and sat down on the couch.
" shhhesh that must hurt" on of tates friends said.
"Eh when u have 4 brothers, your used to it" I spat laughing a little bit.
Max put some disinfectant on my head and it STUNG like a bitch.
" ah ah ah owwwww max!" I said shouting
" hold still love." He said
" yh but it hurts."I said
He finished cleaning up my cut and he told me that I fell from the treehouse cuz of Brayden.

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